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August, Ella, and Olivia S Anderson. 2022. "A Framework for Designing Effective Writing Assignments in Public Health." In Writing Beyond the University Preparing Lifelong Learners for Lifewide Writing, edited by Julia Bleakney, Jessie L Moore and Paula Rosinski, 205-220. Elon, NC: Elon University Center for Engaged Learning.
The authors share an eight-item framework for designing effective writing assignments, as well as an example of a “Real-World Writing Project” that gives students practice writing for authentic audiences and purposes. Although focused on writing in public health, the strategies are adaptable to other disciplines.
Baird, Neil, Alena Kasparkova, Stephen Macharia, and Amanda Sturgill. 2022. "“What One Learns in College Only Makes Sense When Practicing It at Work”: How Early-Career Alumni Evaluate Writing Success." In Writing Beyond the University Preparing Lifelong Learners for Lifewide Writing, edited by Julia Bleakney, Jessie L Moore and Paula Rosinski, 168-182. Elon, NC: Elon University Center for Engaged Learning.
The Alumni Writing Transfer Project examines the school-to-work transitions of twelve early career alumni from the United States, Kenya, and the Czech Republic and suggests a framework for supporting college students through that transition.
Blakeslee, Ann M., Jennifer C. Mallette, Rebecca S. Nowacek, Rifenburg Michael J., and Liane Robertson. 2022. "Navigating Workplace Writing as a New Professional: The Roles of Workplace Environment, Writerly Identity, and Mentoring and Support." In Writing Beyond the University Preparing Lifelong Learners for Lifewide Writing, edited by Julia Bleakney, Jessie L Moore and Paula Rosinski, 139-153. Elon, NC: Elon University Center for Engaged Learning.
Highlighting the experiences of eight early-career alumni from five US institutions, these authors illustrate how supports in college and the workplace can prepare students for more successful transitions into workplace writing as alumni.
Bleakney, Julia, Jessie L Moore, and Paula Rosinski, eds. 2022. Writing Beyond the University: Preparing Lifelong Learners for Lifewide Writing. Elon, NC: Elon University Center for Engaged Learning.
Writing Beyond the University: Preparing Lifelong Learners for Lifewide Writing extends the burgeoning scholarly conversation regarding the role of writing in lifelong and lifewide learning. The collection introduces higher education faculty, staff, and administrators to research on how all members of a campus community can prepare learners to be effective writers beyond the university, in personal, professional, and civic contexts.
The collection also discusses how to teach writing and teach with writing across the academic disciplines and in a variety of co-curricular spaces, such as student life, student employment, and career services, and in internship, co-ops, and work-integrated learning opportunities.
Chapters include the perspectives of faculty/staff, learners, and alumni from a variety of international contexts, and chapter authors in our collection study and report on:
Available as an Open Access book at: https://doi.org/10.36284/celelon.oa5
Bleakney, Julia, Paula Rosinski, and Jessie L Moore. 2022. "Introduction: Writing Beyond the University and this Collection." In Writing Beyond the University Preparing Lifelong Learners for Lifewide Writing, edited by Julia Bleakney, Jessie L Moore and Paula Rosinski, 1-19. Elon, NC: Elon University Center for Engaged Learning.
In this introduction to the collection, the collection editors use three composite case studies of writers to illustrate what writing beyond the university can entail and to explore how two generations of research have studied that writing. They also briefly preview the collection’s other chapters.
Bleakney, Julia, Li Li, Emily Holland, Paula Rosinski, and Jessie L Moore. 2021. "Rhetorical Training Across the University: What and Where Students and Alumni Learn about Writing." Composition Forum 47 (Fall 2021). https://compositionforum.com/issue/47/rhetorical-training.php.
The authors report on a survey of students and alumni, examining their “rhetorical training”—their writing knowledge and experiences across multiple courses, campus employment, and workplace contexts. The survey asked participants to identify their most often written genres and their most valued type of writing, the rhetorical situations in which they compose their most valued genre, and the writing processes they have developed. The authors examined the multiple sources of rhetorical training that participants believe prepared them to write their most valued genre. Multiple rhetorical training experiences prepare writers for the writing they value, and both students and alumni describe robust writing processes and appreciate feedback from others. Yet alumni continue to express challenges adapting writing for new audiences and genres.
Bleakney, Julia, Heather Lindenman, Travis Maynard, Li Li, Paula Rosinski, and Jessie L Moore. 2022. "Understanding Alumni Writing Experiences in the United States." In Writing Beyond the University Preparing Lifelong Learners for Lifewide Writing, edited by Julia Bleakney, Jessie L Moore and Paula Rosinski, 51-69. Elon, NC: Elon University Center for Engaged Learning.
The authors present data from a national survey of college graduates and from three institutional studies to illustrate what writing experiences look like for alumni in the United States and at these institutions. Snapshots from each study explore how institutional efforts like campus-wide writing initiatives, writing majors, campus jobs, and other campus writing experiences prepare students for the writing they’ll encounter as alumni.
DePalma, Michael-John, Lilian W. Mina, Kara Taczak, Michelle J. Eady, Radhika Jaidev, and Ina Alexandra Machura. 2022. "Connecting Work-Integrated Learning and Writing Transfer: Possibilities and Promise for Writing Studies." Composition Forum 48. https://compositionforum.com/issue/48/work-integrated-learning.php.
Abstract from the authors/article:
This article explores ways that the field of rhetoric and writing studies can benefit from intentional engagement with work-integrated learning (WIL) research and pedagogy in the context of transfer research. Specifically, the article discusses: (1) redesigning writing internship pedagogies to align with WIL learning and curriculum theories and practices; (2) revisiting threshold concepts of writing by accounting for knowledge, theories, and practices that are central to epistemological participation in a variety of professional writing careers; (3) reconsidering notions of vocation to emphasize the ways writers’ personal epistemologies and social trajectories interact with the purposes, aims, and values of academic and workplace contexts; and (4) reconceptualizing writing major curricula in relation to the conceptual knowledge, procedural knowledge, and dispositions of expert writers in a range of professional contexts. In short, we argue that intentional engagement with WIL can enrich work on writing transfer and the field of rhetoric and writing studies as a whole. In addition to our theoretical discussion of the value of engaging with WIL frameworks in writing studies, we introduce our multi-institutional, transnational study of how WIL affects diverse populations of undergraduate students’ recursive transfer of writing knowledge and practices as an example of the kind of generative research on writing transfer and WIL that we are encouraging writing transfer researchers to take up.
DePalma, Michael-John, Lilian W Mina, Kara Taczak, Michelle J Eady, Radhika Jaidev, and Ina Alexandra Machura. 2022. "Writing Across Professions (WAP): Fostering the Transfer of Writing Knowledge and Practices in Work Integrated Learning." In Writing Beyond the University Preparing Lifelong Learners for Lifewide Writing, edited by Julia Bleakney, Jessie L. Moore and Paula Rosinski, 91-107. Elon, NC: Elon University Center for Engaged Learning.
The chapter authors offer Writing Across Professions as a curricular model that faculty and administrators in higher education can utilize to facilitate students’ transfer of writing knowledge and practices in the context of work-integrated learning.
Eady, Michelle J., Ina Alexandra Machura, Radhika Jaidev, Kara Taczak, Michael-John Depalma, and Lilian W. Mina. 2021. "Writing transfer and work-integrated learning in higher education: Transnational research across disciplines." International Journal of Work-Integrated Learning 22 (2): 183-197. https://www.ijwil.org/files/IJWIL_22_2_183_197.pdf.
From the published abstract: “This article explores ways that work-integrated learning (WIL) scholarship and the field of writing studies can benefit from intentional engagement in the context of transfer research. This conceptual paper foregrounds writing in WIL contexts, introduces writing transfer and its relationship to writing in WIL contexts, discusses conceptual overlaps of writing transfer research and WIL, and suggests what writing transfer can mean for WIL practitioners. Overall, we argue that intentional engagement with writing transfer can enrich both WIL research and pedagogy.”
Fitzpatrick, Brian, and Jessica McCaughey. 2022. "“I’ll Try to Make Myself Sound Smarter than I am”: Learning to Negotiate Power in Workplace Writing." In Writing Beyond the University Preparing Lifelong Learners for Lifewide Writing, edited by Julia Bleakney, Jessie L Moore and Paula Rosinki, 154-167. Elon, NC: Elon University Center for Engaged Learning.
While they interviewed over fifty participants, these authors explore in this chapter in detail the experiences of two US-based workplace writers as they grapple with new kinds of writing and learn on the job. The experiences of these two illustrative cases highlight that professionals who are not hired as “writers” often regularly write, and struggle to write with authority, for their jobs.
Fortune, Niamh, Ryan Dippre, Lucie Dvorakova, Alison Farrell, Melissa Weresh, and Nadya Yakovchuk. 2021. "Beyond the University: Towards Transfer." In Emerging Issues IV: Changing Times, Changing Context, edited by Margaret Keane, Claire McAvinia and Íde O'Sullivan, 128-147. Educational Developers in Ireland Network (EDIN).
The authors explore how students experience writing transfer beyond the university using a case study of Froebel Department of Primary and Early Childhood Education at Maynooth University. The publication is available at https://www.edin.ie/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/EDINpublicationOnline.pdf
Holmes, Ashley J, Kathleen Blake Yancey, Íde O'Sullivan, D. Alexis Hart, and Yogesh Sinha. 2022. "Lifewide Writing across the Curriculum: Valuing Students' Multiple Writing Lives Beyond the University." The WAC Journal 33: 32-61. https://doi.org/10.37514/WAC-J.2022.33.1.02.
Drawing on surveys, interviews, and maps collected from students at six institutions, this 2019-2021 research seminar team explores student writing lives within course-based, self-motivated, civic, internship, co-curricular, work-based, and other “spheres” of writing. Based on their analysis of students’ writing lives within and across these spheres, the authors advocate re-envisioning writing across the curriculum through a lifewide lens and fostering students’ agency as they continue to develop their lifewide writerly identities.
Lauren, Benjamin, and Stacey Pigg. 2022. "“And Sometimes We Debate”: How Networking Transforms What Professional Writers Know." In Writing Beyond the University Preparing Lifelong Learners for Lifewide Writing, edited by Julia Bleakney, Jessie L Moore and Paula Rosinski, 221-234. Elon, NC: Elon University Center for Engaged Learning.
The authors argue that social media networking is essential for building writers’ self-agency and suggest ways to teach networking as a transformative writing practice in the classroom. By learning about networking as a transformative practice, students also can think critically about who is in their networks, how to amplify underrepresented voices and ideas, and how to network ethically.
Lusford , Karen, Carl Whithaus, and Johnathan Alexander. 2022. "Collaboration as Wayfinding in Alumni’s Post-Graduate Writing Experiences." In Writing Beyond the University Preparing Lifelong Learners for Lifewide Writing, edited by Julia Bleakney, Jessie L Moore and Paula Rosinski, 24-37. Elon, NC: Elon University Center for Engaged Learning.
Drawing upon a pilot study of twenty-two alumni from three different campuses, “Collaboration as Wayfinding” considers how post-collegiates orient themselves to different forms of collaboration, both intentionally and serendipitously. The chapter examines the exploratory, unanticipated, and contingent forms of collaborative writing alumni engage in as they imagine, define, and create goals for shared writing.
Phuong Pham, Ha Thi, and Ambinintsoa Vola Dominique. 2022. "Examining the Effects of Reflective Writing and Peer Feedback on Student Writing in and Beyond the University." In Writing Beyond the University Preparing Lifelong Learners for Lifewide Writing, edited by Julia Bleakney, Jessie L Moore and Paula Rosinski, 108-123. Elon, NC: Elon University Center for Engaged Learning.
This chapter examines how two types of sustainable writing strategies, facilitated reflection and peer feedback, can help support student writing development in contexts where institutional support is lacking. Studying the longitudinal writing of Malagasy and Vietnamese students, the authors conclude by suggesting ways to make reflection and peer feedback even more meaningful for such students.
Reid, Jennifer, Matthew Pavesich, Andrea Efthymiou, Heather Lindenman, and Dana Lynn Driscoll. 2022. "Writing to Learn Beyond the University: Preparing Lifelong Learners for Lifewide Writing." In Writing Beyond the University Preparing Lifelong Learners for Lifewide Writing, edited by Julia Bleakney, Jessie L Moore and Paula Rosinski, 38-50. Elon, NC: Elon University Center for Engaged Learning.
This chapter explores how adults use writing in order to learn in contexts outside of work and school—which the authors term “self-sponsored writing to learn”—as well as how they manipulate the boundaries between these contexts.
Saerys-Foy, Jeffrey, Laurie Ann Britt-Smith, Zan Walker-Goncalves, and Lauren M Sardi. 2022. "Bridging Academic and Workplace Writing: Insights from Employers." In Writing Beyond the University Preparing Lifelong Learners for Lifewide Writing, edited by Julia Bleakney, Jessie L Moore and Paula Rosinski, 124-138. Elon, NC: Elon University Center for Engaged Learning.
Representing three US institutions, these authors use results from an employer survey to illustrate how workplace perspectives on writing compare to writing practices often enacted in college classrooms. They discuss strategies for bridging this divide between the different perspectives through writing instruction and practices across the curriculum.
Yakovchuk, Nadya, Ryan Dippre, Lucie Dvorakova, Alison Farrell, Niamh Fortune, and Melissa Weresh. 2022. "Writing Transitions Between Academic and Professional Settings." In Writing Beyond the University Preparing Lifelong Learners for Lifewide Writing, edited by Julia Bleakney, Jessie L Moore and Paula Rosinski, 186-204. Elon, NC: Elon University Center for Engaged Learning.
Drawing on data from three higher education institutions in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Ireland, the authors explore how students in varied pre-placement learning contexts (a graduate-level law school, an undergraduate education program, and an undergraduate nursing, midwifery, and paramedic science program) make sense of the writing demands they will face in their placements.
Yancey, Kathleen Blake, D. Alexis Hart, Ahsley J. Holmes, Anna V. Knutston, Íde O'Sullivan, and Yogesh Sinha. 2022. "“There is a Lot of Overlap”: Tracing Writing Development Across Spheres of Writing." In Writing Beyond the University Preparing Lifelong Learners for Lifewide Writing, edited by Julia Bleakney, Jessie L Moore and Paula Rosinski, 74-90. Elon, NC: Elon University Center for Engaged Learning.
Asking students who have completed first-year writing about the contexts in which they write (including classrooms, workplaces, cocurriculars, and internships) and their understandings of relationships between and across these contexts, the research team examines the complex relationships between and among these different contexts, what the authors call “recursivities.”