HomeConferences & Think TanksISSOTL Online 2013Studying and Designing for Transfer Recommended Readings on Transfer of Learning Share: Transfer and Learning Studies (Broadly) Baxter-Magolda, M. Making Their Own Way: Narratives for Transforming Higher Education to Promote Self-Development. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing, 2001.Baxter-Magolda, Marcia B. Creating Contexts for Learning and Self-Authorship: Constructive-Developmental Pedagogy. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt UP, 1999.Bereiter, Carl and Marlene Scardamalia. Surpassing Ourselves: An Inquiry into the Nature and Implications of Expertise. Chicago: Open Court, 1993.Collins, Harry and Robert Evans. Rethinking Expertise. Chicago: U of Chicago, 2007.Committee on Learning Research and Educational Practice. “How Experts Differ from Novice.” How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School: Expanded Edition Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2000. 31-50.Committee on Learning Research and Educational Practice. “How Experts Differ from Novice.” How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School: Expanded Edition Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2000. 51-78.Cook, Scott D.N. and John Seely Brown. “Bridging Epistemologies: The Generative Dance Between Organizational Knowledge and Organizational Knowing.”Organizational Science. 10(1999). 381-400. Print.Dweck, Carol. Self-Theories: Their Role in Motivation, Personality, and Development. Florence, KY: Psychology Press, 2000.Haskell, Robert E.. Transfer of Learning: Cognition, Instruction, and Reasoning. Orlando: Florida, Harcourt, 2001. Print.Hatano, G. and J. G. Greeno. “Commentary: Alternative Perspectives on Transfer and Transfer Studies.” International Journal of Educational Research 31, p. 645-654.Kirsch, D. (2009). Problem solving and situated cognition. In P. Robbins & M. Aydede (Eds.), Cambridge handbook of situated cognition (pp. 264-306). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.Lauder, W., Reynolds, W., & Angus, N. (1999). Transfer of knowledge and skills: Some implications for nursing and nurse education. Nurse Education Today, 19(6), 480-87.Lave, Jean. “Situated Learning in Communities of Practice.” Perspectives on Socially Shared Cognition. Ed. L. Resnick, J. Levine, and S.E. Teasley. Washington DC: APA, 1991. 63-82. Print. McKeough, Anne, Judy Lupart, and Anthony Marini, eds. Teaching for Transfer: Fostering Generalization in Learning. Mahway, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1995.Mestre, Jose P. Ed. Transfer of learning from a modern multidisciplinary perspective: Current Perspectives on cognition, learning, and instruction. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, 2005.Meyer, Jan H. F., and Ray Land, eds. Overcoming Barriers to Student Understanding: Threshold Concepts and Troublesome Knowledge. New York: Routledge, 2006.National Research Council. How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience and School. National Academies Press, 2000.Pace, David and Joan Middendorf, eds. Decoding the Disciplines: Helping Students Learn Disciplinary Ways of Thinking. New Directions for Teaching and Learning 98 (Summer 2004).Perkins, D. & Salomon, G. (1992). Transfer of learning. International Encyclopedia of Education. 2nd Ed. Boston: Pergamon Press. Retrieved on September 16, 2009, from http://learnweb.harvard.edu/alps/thinking/docs/traencyn.htmSalomon, G. & Perkins, D. N. (1989). Rocky roads to transfer: rethinking mechanisms of a neglected phenomenon. Educational Psychologist, 24, 113-142.Schwartz, D. L., Varma, S., & Martin, L. (2008). Dynamic transfer and innovation. In S. Vosniadou (ed.), International Handbook of Research on Conceptual Change (pp. 479-506). New York: Routledge.Sennett, Richard. The Craftsman. New Haven: Yale UP, 2008.Tishman, S., E. Jay, and D.N. Perkins. “Teaching Thinking Dispositions: From Transmission to Enculturation.” Theory into Practice, 32, p. 147-153.Tuomi-Grohn, “Developmental Transfer as a Goal of Internship in Practical Nursing,” in Between School and Work: New Perspectives on Transfer and Boundary-Crossing (2003).Tuomi-Grohn, Terttu, and Yrjo Engestrom, eds. Between School and Work: New Perspectives on Transfer and Boundary Crossing. Oxford: Pergamon, 2003.Wenger, Etienne. Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning, and Identity. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1998.Wenger, Etienne, Richard McDermott, and William Snyder. Cultivating Communities of Practice: A Guide to Managing Knowledge. Harvard Business School Press, 2002.Wiggens, G. (11 Jan. 2012). Transfer as the point of education. Granted, and… Thoughts on Education.Wiggens, G. (11 Jan. 2012). The research on transfer and some practical implications. Granted, and… Thoughts on Education. Return to Week 1 of Studying and Designing for Transfer Return to Week 2 of Studying and Designing for Transfer Return to Week 3 of Studying and Designing for Transfer Return to the Studying and Designing for Transfer Schedule Page