HomeVideos ISSOTL 2013 Lee Shulman Share: Situated Studies of Teaching and Learning: The New Mainstream – ISSOTL 2013 Plenary, Thursday, October 3, 2013 There is a tendency to view situated research such as SOTL as an attenuated or diminished form of scholarship when contrasted with the mainstream kinds of research published in social science or educational research journals. Traditional research aims to contribute to theory, to achieve generalized findings and principles that are not limited to the particulars of setting, participants, place and time. Situated research is always reported with its full particulars and seeks to describe, explain and evaluate the relationships among intentions, actions and consequences in a carefully recounted local situation. It is therefore seen as contributing less to “knowledge.” I shall argue that the search for generalizations and principles that transcend participants and contexts is a vain quest. Lee Cronbach observed that “generalization decay.” Jerome Kagan recently called generalization, in both the social and life sciences, “insidious.” Even the gold standard, experimental studies such as clinical trials with randomly assigned treatment and control groups, are often of little value at the level of generalization, but potentially useful when analyzed in their particulars. Situated studies of teaching and learning will emerge as the new mainstream, the gold standard for educational scholarship. SOTL is not at the margins, but at the center. Lee S. Shulman is President Emeritus of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and Charles E. Ducommun Professor of Education Emeritus at Stanford University. He was earlier Professor of Educational Psychology and Medical Education at Michigan State University. His research has examined the quality of teachers and teaching from the elementary school through professional and graduate school. He has studied medical decision making and the education of members of professions including teaching, medicine, law, engineering, nursing and the clergy. His research team at Stanford designed and field-tested the methods of assessing K-12 teacher quality that led to creation of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. Shulman is a past president of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) and of the National Academy of Education. He received AERA’s career award for Distinguished Contributions to Educational Research and the E.L. Thorndike Award for Distinguished Psychological Contributions to Education from the American Psychological Association. He is a fellow of both the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Lee was lured into the field of higher education by Pat Hutchings and Russ Edgerton, who are fully responsible and morally liable for any damage he has done. Learn more about Dr. Shulman at www.leeshulman.net. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/. Suggested citation for video: Center for Engaged Learning. (2013, October 11). Lee Shulman on Situated Studies of Teaching and Learning: The New Mainstream – ISSOTL 2013 Plenary. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/bhvwLW-5zMM. Conference Keynotes,Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 11 years ago/ 109 views You may also like 01:03:45 Juggling Perspectives: Students, Supervisors, and Academic Mentors in Work-Integrated Learning 3 months ago Conference Keynotes,Work-Integrated Learning 00:59:43 Student Experience in Work-Integrated Learning | Karsten Zegwaard 3 months ago Conference Keynotes,Work-Integrated Learning 8:14 Olivia Choplin on the Experience of Searching for SoTL Literature 12 months ago Finding SoTL,Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 1:51 Creating Alerts in an EBSCO Database: Finding SoTL Research 12 months ago Finding SoTL,Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 1:20 Creating Alerts in an Elsevier Database: Finding SoTL Research 12 months ago Finding SoTL,Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 43 Creating Alerts in Google Scholar: Finding SoTL Research 12 months ago Finding SoTL,Scholarship of Teaching and Learning