HomeAnnotated BibliographiesLearning Communities Learning communities from start to finish: New directions for student services, Number 149 Share: Section NavigationSkip section navigationIn this sectionAnnotated Bibliographies Capstone Experiences Conditions for Meaningful Learning Global Learning Internships Learning Communities Mentoring Service-Learning Student-Faculty Partnership Undergraduate Research Work-Integrated Learning Writing Transfer In and Beyond the University Reference List Entry:Benjamin, Mimi, ed. 2015. Learning communities from start to finish: New directions for student services, Number 149. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.About this Edited Book:This edited collection provides theoretical foundations for learning communities and recent research on institutional structures that foster success in implementing, maintaining, and assessing learning communities. Chapters include: “A history of learning communities within American higher education” by John e. Fink and Karen Kurotsuchi Inkelas “Theoretical foundations of learning communities” by Jody E. Jessup-Anger “With educational benefits for all: Campus inclusion through learning communities designed for underserved student populations” by John E. Fink and Mary L. Hummel “Aligning needs, expectations, and learning outcomes to sustain self-efficacy through transfer learning community programs” by Jennifer R. Leptien “Utilizing online learning communities in student affairs” by Daniel W. Calhoun and Lucy Santos Green “Utilizing peer mentor roles in learning communities” by Laura Jo Rieske and Mimi Benjamin “Assessing the ‘learning’ in learning communities” by Ann M. Gansemer-Topf and Kari Tietjen “Learning community literature: Annotated bibliography” by Sarah Conte