HomeAnnotated BibliographiesWork-Integrated Learning Work Integrated Learning: A Guide to Effective Practice Share: Section NavigationSkip section navigationIn this sectionAnnotated Bibliographies Capstone Experiences Conditions for Meaningful Learning Global Learning Internships Learning Communities Mentoring Service-Learning Student-Faculty Partnership Undergraduate Research Work-Integrated Learning Writing Transfer In and Beyond the University Reference List Entry:Cooper, Lesley, Janice Orrell, and Margaret Bowden. 2010. Work Integrated Learning: A Guide to Effective Practice. Routledge.About this Book:Chapter 2 of Cooper, Orell, and Bowden’s book provides a definition of WIL, specifically defining some of the specific experiences of WIL. These terms include WIL experiences such as internships, practicums, and fieldwork. This definition is important given the fact that certain WIL experiences often overlap in terminology and can be confusing to differentiate at times. Additionally, the authors focus on specifically defining professional learning, service-learning, and cooperative learning as the three different models of WIL. Lastly, the authors describe the benefits and outcomes of WIL experiences for students. The most critical benefit of a WIL experience is that it allows students to put theory learned in the classroom setting into practice in the workplace. Upon reflection after completing a WIL experience, the integration of theory to practice is deepened and allows for tremendous professional growth within a student.