HomePublicationsCritical Transitions Contributors Book MenuCritical Transitions Contributors Videos Open access PDF available from the WAC Clearinghousedoi.org/10.37514/PER-B.2016.0797.1.3ISBN: 978-1-64215-079-7June 19, 2016Metrics: 253 viewsBuy in PrintISBN: 978-1-60732-647-2March 1, 2017 | University Press of Colorado Chris M. AnsonChris Anson is Distinguished University Professor and Director of the Campus Writing and Speaking Program at North Carolina State University, where he teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in language, composition, and literacy and works with faculty across the disciplines to enhance writing and speaking instruction. He has published fifteen books and over 120 articles and book chapters relating to writing and has spoken widely across the U.S. and in 28 other countries. He is Past Chair of the Conference on College Composition and Communication and Past President of the Council of Writing Program Administrators. His full c.v. is at www.ansonica.net Jessie L. Moorejmoore28@elon.eduJessie L. Moore is Director of the Center for Engaged Learning and Professor of English: Professional Writing & Rhetoric at Elon University. She leads planning, implementation, and assessment of the Center’s research seminars, which support multi-institutional inquiry on high-impact pedagogies and other focused engaged learning topics. Her recent research examines transfer of writing knowledge and practices, multi-institutional research and collaborative inquiry, writing residencies for faculty writers, the writing lives of university students, and high-impact pedagogies. Learn more at www.jessiemoore.net. Linda Adler-KassnerLinda Adler-Kassner is Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education and Professor of Writing Studies at University of California Santa Barbara. At UCSB and elsewhere, she works with faculty and students on issues around identification of threshold concepts and the roles that those concepts play in learning and teaching. Her most recent book, co-edited with Elizabeth Wardle, is Naming What We Know: Threshold Concepts of Writing Studies. She is currently Associate Chair of the Conference on College Composition and Communication and is a Past President of the Council of Writing Program Administrators. Stuart BlytheStuart Blythe is Associate Professor in the Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures at Michigan State University. His research interests include writing pedagogy and administration as well as public discourse relating to science and technology. From 2011–2013, he was a participant in the Elon University Research Seminar on Critical Transitions: Writing and the Question of Transfer Scott C. ChiuScott C. Chiu is Director of the Writing Center and Assistant Professor of English at California Lutheran University. He leads the planning and implementation of the Writing Center programs, which emphasize multiliteracy practices, community outreach, and research on writing center pedagogies. He teaches basic writing, writing center theory and practice, and introduction to TESOL. His current research focuses on L1/L2 writing transfer, translingual approaches, writing center studies, and community literacies. Irene ClarkIrene Clark is Professor of English, Director of Composition, and Director of the Master’s option in Rhetoric and Composition at California State University, Northridge. Her publications include articles in The Journal of Basic Writing, Teaching English in the Two Year College, College Composition and Communication, Writing Program Administration, Composition Forum, the WAC Journal, and the Writing Center Journal. Her most recent books are a second edition of College Arguments: Understanding the Genres (2016), a second edition of Concepts in Composition: Theory and Practice in the Teaching of Writing (2012), Writing the Successful Thesis and Dissertation: Entering the Conversation (2007), and Writing in the Center: Teaching in a Writing Center Setting 4th Edition (2009). She is currently working on a new book concerned with the relationship between genre and transfer Nicolette ClementNicolette Clement graduated from the University of Central Florida in August 2015 with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. She is currently a registered nurse on a women’s medical-surgical unit in Jacksonville, Florida. Stacey M. CozartStacey M. Cozart is a senior educational consultant at the Centre for Teaching Development and Digital Media at Aarhus University in Denmark. Her work centers on teaching, learning, writing, and language in the international university, and she teaches primarily professional development courses and workshops on these issues. She has been involved in several national and European research and educational development projects, currently as a member of the management committee for the EU funded COST network WeRELaTE, aimed at enhancing support for research, writing, teaching, and learning in higher education. Gita DasBenderGita DasBender is the coordinator of second language writing and senior faculty associate at Seton Hall University where she also serves as director of prestigious fellowships for the Provost’s office. Her research interests include writing transfer of multilingual students, threshold concepts in writing, writing center pedagogy for multilingual learners, international writing research, critical literacy in global contexts, and teacher education. She is the author of Language: A Reader for Writers (OUP, 2013) and was awarded a Fulbright Specialist grant to Vietnam in 2013. Christiane DonahueChristiane Donahue has been a writing program administrator in one form or another since 1992 in the United States. At the same time, she has pursued scholarship, including her PhD in Linguistics, in France. Her work with French research laboratory THEODILE-Cirel at l’Université de Lille and her participation in multiple European research projects, networks, conferences and collaborations informs her understanding of writing instruction, research, and program development in European and US contexts. She is Director of the Institute for Writing and Rhetoric at Dartmouth, Hanover, NH, USA, where she teaches writing and focuses on research about writing, translingualism, cross-cultural comparisons, and research methods Dana Lynn DriscollDana Lynn Driscoll is Associate Professor of English at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, where she teaches in the Composition and TESOL doctoral program. Her scholarly interests include writing centers, writing transfer, RAD research methodologies, writing across the curriculum, and writing assessment. Her work has appeared in journals such as Writing Program Administration, Assessing Writing, Computers and Composition, Composition Forum, Writing Center Journal, and Teaching and Learning Inquiry. Her co-authored article won the International Writing Center Association’s 2012 Outstanding Article of the Year Award. She also serves on the Executive Board of CCCC. Dana FerrisDana Ferris is Professor in the University Writing Program at the University of California, Davis, where she is associate director for second language writing. Her research examines the literacy needs of multilingual writers and readers and focuses especially on response to student writing. She is editor-in-chief of the Journal of Response to Writing. Gwen GorzelskyGwen Gorzelsky is Executive Director of The Institute for Learning and Teaching (TILT) and Associate Professor of English at Colorado State University. She has published articles in College Composition and Communication, College English, Reflections, JAC, JAEPL, and other venues, as well as The Language of Experience: Literate Practices and Social Change (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2005). Her research interests include writing instruction, learning transfer, metacognition, and literacy learning, particularly uses of literacy for personal and social change. Carol HayesCarol Hayes is Assistant Professor of Writing at The George Washington University, where she teaches in the University Writing Program and has served in several administrative positions. She currently directs the GW Writing Center. Her research within writing studies focuses on writing transfer, public writing, and writing centers. Hogan HayesHogan Hayes is Assistant Professor of Rhetoric and Composition in the English Department at California State University, Sacramento. His research focuses on the transfer of writing skills into WID settings, the features and expectations associated with academic writing prior to a student’s development of discipline-specific writing conventions, and large-scale writing assessment using electronic portfolios. Ed JonesEd Jones directs the basic writing program and coordinates assessment in the English Department at Seton Hall University. His areas of scholarly interest are knowledge transfer, the effect of race and class on self-beliefs and writing achievement, and issues related to administering a writing program. Since 1999, he has been involved with and helped lead the New Jersey Writing Alliance, an organization that builds bridges between college and secondary composition educators Ketevan KupatadzeKetevan Kupatadze is a senior lecturer of Spanish. Her recent research examines the flipped classroom pedagogy and discussion-based, collaborative approaches to teaching a foreign language. She has led the planning and implementation of a new Spanish curriculum at Elon University’s Department of World Languages and Cultures, which focuses on the development of students’ intercultural competence and critical thinking abilities, in combination with the advancement of their linguistic competence. She has also co-led the department’s efforts to integrate meaningful writing assignments throughout the language curriculum as part of the University’s Writing Excellence Initiative Regina McManigell GrijalvaRegina McManigell Grijalva is Associate Professor of English and director of composition at Oklahoma City University, a small liberal arts college where she is involved with general education and assessment, including at the level of programs, departments, and schools or colleges. With her colleague, Amrita Sen, she directs the Global and Transnational Migrations Digital Archives Project. Much of her research focuses on pedagogy, learning, and assessment in higher education and the ways they interact with class, race, ethnicity, and/or gender Joe PaszekJoe Paszek is a PhD candidate in Rhetoric and Composition at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, and the Writing Center Coordinator at the University of Detroit Mercy. His research focuses on students’ processes of disciplinary enculturation and their development of writing skills and practices in mid-level writing classrooms, portions of which have been presented at CCC, WPA, and NCTE. His upcoming project focuses on students’ development of theories of writing through the use of disciplinary metaphor. Joe has been a member of the Writing Transfer Project since 2012. Donna QualleyDonna Qualley is Professor of English at Western Washington University where she teaches courses in writing studies, literacy studies, and pedagogy. She is the author of the barely alive, but still breathing Turns of Thought: Teaching Writing as Reflexive Inquiry (1997), co-editor of the now deceased Pedagogy in the Age of Politics: Writing and Reading (in) the Academy (1994), and other essays on reading, writing, and writing program administration. In June 2015, Donna hung up her hat as the Director of Composition at Western Washington University after wearing it for most of the previous two decades Liane RobertsonLiane Robertson is Associate Professor of English at William Paterson University of New Jersey, where she directs the Writing Across the Curriculum program. Her current research explores writing transfer across multi-institutional contexts, especially the role of particular content in advanced writing courses and its impact on students’ ability to transfer knowledge and practice into a range of writing situations. Her recent work is featured in Writing Across Contexts: Transfer, Composition, and Sites of Writing and Naming What We Know: Threshold Concepts of Writing Studies. Paula RosinskiPaula Rosinski is Professor of Professional Writing & Rhetoric and Writing Across the University Director at Elon University. She leads her university’s Quality Enhancement Plan on Writing Excellence, which seeks to enhance the teaching and learning of academic, professional, and co-curricular writing for students, faculty, and staff. Her recent research focuses on the transfer of rhetorical knowledge and writing strategies between self-sponsored and academic texts, reframing rhetorical theories and writing practices in multimodal environments, the technologically-mediated writing lives of students, faculty and student Writing Center Fellows, and multi-institutional RAD research. Kara TaczakKara Taczak is Teaching Assistant Professor at the University of Denver. Her research centers on the transfer of knowledge and practices: her current project, The Transfer of Transfer Project, examines the efficacy of the Teaching for Transfer curriculum in multiple courses across multiple institutional sites. This research is the second phase of research reported on in her co-authored book, Writing Across Contexts, which was awarded the 2015 CCCC Research Impact award. Taczak’s other publications have appeared in Composition Forum, Teaching English in a Two-Year College, and Across the Disciplines Elizabeth WardleElizabeth Wardle is Professor and Director of the Roger and Joyce Howe Center for Writing Excellence at Miami University (OH). She was Chair of the Department of Writing and Rhetoric at the University of Central Florida (UCF), and Director of Writing Programs at UCF and University of Dayton. These experiences fed her interest in how students learn and repurpose what they know in new settings. With Doug Downs, she is the co-author of Writing about Writing. With Linda Adler-Kassner, she is co-editor of Naming What We Know: Threshold Concepts of Writing Studies, winner of the CWPA Outstanding Contribution to the Discipline Award. Carl WhithausCarl Whithaus is Professor of Writing and Rhetoric and Director of the University Writing Program (UWP) at the University of California, Davis. His research areas include writing in the disciplines and professions (particularly in the sciences and engineering), writing assessment, and the impact of information technologies on literacy practices. His books include Multimodal Literacies and Emerging Genres (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2013), Writing Across Distances and Disciplines: Research and Pedagogy in Distributed Learning (Routledge, 2008) and Teaching and Evaluating Writing in the Age of Computers and High Stakes Testing (Erlbaum, 2005). Gitte Wichmann-HansenGitte Wichmann-Hansen is Research Director and Associate Professor at the Centre for Teaching and Learning at Aarhus University in Denmark. She is responsible for the competence development of all supervisors at her faculty, and she holds a wide range of supervision courses for faculty members across different levels and disciplines at Aarhus University as well as other Danish and Nordic Universities. Her main research area is Ph.D. supervision. She is involved in several major research projects about Ph.D. students’ writing processes, feelings of self-efficacy as well as satisfaction with supervision and integration into the research environment. Tine Wirenfeldt JensenTine Wirenfeldt Jensen is an external lecturer at the University of Southern Denmark and an educational consultant specializing in academic writing. Her Ph.D. focused on the Master’s thesis, and she has designed and taught courses focusing on academic writing and supervision aimed at students, Ph.D. students, and university teachers. As the former leader of Academic Skills Development Team at the Faculty of Arts at Aarhus University, she has developed several resources aimed at supporting academic writing such as the Study Metro web resource and a peer feedback board game. Kathleen Blake YanceyKathleen Blake Yancey, Kellogg W. Hunt Professor of English and Distinguished Research Professor at Florida State University, has served in several elected leadership positions, including as Chair of CCCC and President of NCTE and CWPA. Immediate Past Editor of College Composition and Communication, she is the lead PI for the “Transfer of Transfer” research project focused on the Teaching for Transfer (TFT) writing curriculum. Author/co-author of more than 100 articles/chapters and of 13 books—including Writing across Contexts: Transfer, Composition, and Sites of Writing, and A Rhetoric of Reflection (August 2016)—she has received several awards, among them the Purdue Distinguished Woman Scholar Award and the FSU Graduate Mentor Award. Share: