HomeConferences & Think TanksIntegrating Global Learning with the University Experience: Higher-Impact Study Abroad and Off-Campus Domestic Study Presenter Guidelines Share: Section NavigationSkip section navigationIn this sectionIntegrating Global Learning with the University Experience: Higher-Impact Study Abroad and Off-Campus Domestic Study Call for Proposals Keynote Speakers Symposium Schedule Presenter Guidelines Conference Location Registration Hotel Information Thank you for sharing your research at the Symposium on Integrating Global Learning with the University Experience. We look forward to hearing about your work. Please attend to the following guidelines as you prepare your poster, individual, and panel presentations or your roundtable. Thank you! Poster Presentations Posters should be 36″ x 48″ and printed on paper; posters should not be mounted. Easels and foam display boards will be provided so that you may clip your poster to the display board. Binder clips will be provided. Individual Presentations Individual presentations will have 25 minutes, which should include time for questions and answers. The presentation room has a data projector and computer; if applicable, please bring your slides on a USB drive and plan to load them during the coffee break prior to your presentation. Panel Presentations Panel presentations will have 45 minutes, which should include time for questions and answers. The presentation room has a data projector and computer; if applicable, please bring your slides on a USB drive and plan to load them during the coffee break prior to your presentation. Roundtable Sessions Roundtable sessions are scheduled for 45 minutes in rooms with layouts that should facilitate conversation among participants. Roundtable rooms have projects/display monitors with connection cables but not computers; if you anticipate needing a computer, please contact Jessie Moore. Symposium organizers will moderate sessions to ensure that we stay on schedule. They will have time cards that indicate 5 minutes remaining, 1 minute remaining, and “stop.”