HomeConferences & Think TanksISSOTL Online 2013An Introduction to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Controversies, Debates, and Tensions Share: Welcome to Week 2 of Introduction to SoTL! This week’s resources and conversations focus on: Controversies, debates, and tensions in SoTL, andStrategies for “Going Public” with SoTL projects. We invite you to watch this week’s videos, explore the featured readings, and join us for a live chat with Nancy Chick and Gary Poole on September 17, 2013, at 10:00 AM PDT/12:00 PM CDT/ 17:00 UTC. Week 2 Videos Controversies, Debates, and Tensions in SoTL: SoTL scholars discuss controversies, debates, and tensions in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. The video features Dan Bernstein (University of Kansas), Nancy Chick (Vanderbilt University), Tony Ciccone (University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee), Joelle Fanghanel (University of West London), Barbara Gayle (Viterbo University), Mary Taylor Huber (Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching), Pat Hutchings (Gonzaga University), Sherry Linkon (Georgetown University), Gary Poole (University of British Columbia), and Nicola Simmons (Brock University). Big Tent Debate in SoTL: Pat Hutchings (Scholar in Residence, Gonzaga University, and Senior Scholar, National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment) and Sherry Linkon (Professor of English and Director of Writing Curriculum Initiatives, Georgetown University) describe the Big Tent debate in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. [See Huber & Hutchings (2005) in this week’s Featured Readings to read more about the Big Tent concept.] Strategies for Going Public with SoTL: Dan Bernstein, Nancy Chick, Pat Hutchings, and Gary Poole share strategies for “Going Public” with scholarship of teaching and learning research. Making a Case for SoTL: Gary Poole (Senior Scholar in the Center for Health Education Scholarship, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia) shares strategies for making a case for SoTL in institutions tenure, promotion, and reward systems. Featured Readings For Week 2 This week our featured readings focus on tensions in the scholarship of teaching and learning: Simmons, N., Abrahamson, E., Deshler, J. M., Kensington-Miller, B., Manarin, K., Morón-García, S., Oliver, C., & Renc-Roe, J. (2013). Conflicts and Configurations in a Liminal Space: SoTL Scholars’ Identity Development. Teaching & Learning Inquiry, 1(2), 9-21.Huber, M. T., & Morreale, S. P. (2002). Situating the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: A Cross-Disciplinary Conversation. In M.T. Huber & S. Morreale (Eds.), Disciplinary Styles in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Exploring Common Ground. Washington, D.C.: American Association for Higher Education and The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.Huber, M. T., & Hutchings, P. (2005). Surveying the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. In M. T. Huber & P. Hutchings (Eds.), The Advancement of Learning: Building the Teaching Commons (pp. 1-16). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.Want to read more? Click here for additional recommended readings. Week 2 Discussions This week’s discussion topics focused on: Controversies, Debates, and TensionsGoing Public with and Making a Case for SoTL Projects Week 2 Live Chat Thank you for joining us for this week’s live chat with Nancy Chick and Gary Poole on September 17, 2013, at 10:00 AM PDT/12:00 PM CDT/ 17:00 UTC. Thanks for participating! Return to the Intro to SoTL Schedule