HomeConferences & Think TanksISSOTL Online 2013An Introduction to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning What is SoTL? Foundations and Key Characteristics Share: Welcome to Week 1 of Introduction to SoTL! This week’s resources and conversations focus on: Identifying key characteristics of the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL),Sharing examples of SoTL projects, andDiscussing foundational readings in SoTL. We invite you to watch this week’s videos, explore the featured readings, and join us for a live chat with Mary Taylor Huber and Pat Hutchings on September 12, 2013, at 11:00 AM PDT/2:00 PM EDT/ 18:00 UTC. Week 1 Videos Key Characteristics of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Randy Bass (Georgetown University), Dan Bernstein (University of Kansas), Nancy Chick (Vanderbilt University), Tony Ciccone (University of Wisconsin — Milwaukee), Barbara Gayle (Viterbo University), Mary Taylor Huber (Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching), Pat Hutchings (Gonzaga University), Sherry Linkon (Georgetown University), Gary Poole (University of British Columbia), and Joanna Renc-Roe (Central European University, Budapest) describe key characteristics of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). Examples of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Projects: Peter Felten (Elon University), Ketevan Kupatadze (Elon University), and Mathilde van der Merwe (University of Cape Town) share examples of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Projects. History of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Dan Bernstein (University of Kansas), Mary Taylor Huber (Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching), Pat Hutchngs (Gonzaga University), Gary Poole (University of British Columbia), and Joanna Renc-Roe (Central European University, Budapest) discuss the history of the scholarship of teaching and learning. Reading Recommendations for New SoTL Scholars: SoTL scholars share their recommendations for what to read to learn more about the scholarship of teaching and learning. Randy Bass, Dan Bernstein, Mary Taylor Huber, Pat Hutchings, Sherry Linkon, and Gary Poole identify key readings and share why they recommend each piece. Taxonomy of Questions: Pat Hutchings, Scholar in Residence, Gonzaga University, and Senior Scholar, National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment, describes her Taxonomy of Questions from the Introduction to Opening Lines. Value of ISSOTL Membership: What’s the value of joining the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning? Randy Bass (Georgetown University), Dan Bernstein (University of Kansas), Peter Felten (Elon University), Barbara Gayle (Viterbo University), Sherry Linkon (Georgetown University), Jessie L. Moore (Elon University), Jennifer Meta Robinson (Indiana University), and Carmen Werder (Western Washington University) discuss the benefits of participating in the organization’s international, multidisciplinary professional network. Featured Readings For Week 1 This week our featured readings focus on introducing the scholarship of teaching and learning: Bass, R. (1999). The Scholarship of Teaching: What’s the Problem? Inventio, 1(1).Bernstein, D. (2010). Finding Your Place in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 4(2).Felten, P. (2013). Principles of Good Practice in SoTL. Teaching & Learning Inquiry, 1(1), 121-125.Hutchings, P. (2000). Introduction: Approaching the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Opening Lines: Approaches to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Stanford, CA: Carnegie Foundation.Shulman, L. (2011). The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: A Personal Account and Reflection. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 5(1).Want to read more? Click here for additional recommended readings. Week 1 Discussions This week’s discussion topics focused on: Introductions and Participants’ Interest in the Intro to SoTL StrandTypes of SoTL QuestionsPrinciples of Good Practice for SoTL Week 1 Live Chat Thank you for joining us for this week’s live chat with Mary Taylor Huber and Pat Hutchings on September 12, 2013, at 11:00 AM PDT/2:00 PM EDT/ 18:00 UTC. Thanks for participating! Return to the Intro to SoTL Schedule