HomeResearch SeminarsCapstone Experiences Research Seminar Seminar Leaders Share: Section NavigationSkip section navigationIn this sectionCapstone Experiences Research Seminar Seminar Leaders Seminar Participants Seminar Logistics Call for Applications Seminar Showcase Elon Statement on Capstone Experiences The 2018-2020 Center for Engaged Learning Seminar will be led by Caroline Ketcham, Tony Weaver, and Jillian Kinzie. Caroline Ketcham is Professor and Chair of Exercise Science at Elon University. Caroline’s expertise is in the area of movement neuroscience and her current research focuses on understanding the control and coordination in the execution of movements foundational to development and functional participation for neurodiverse populations. In addition she is co-director of Elon BrainCARE Research Institute which has concussion advocacy and positive mental wellness as the primary goals for Elon students and student-athletes. Caroline has lead multiple disciplinary and interdisciplinary capstone experiences for students at Elon in both a course based and multi-year model. She was a previous participant in a CEL research seminar on mentoring undergraduate research and is a leader in defining, identifying challenges and benefits, and helping others develop a co-mentored model of undergraduate research. Caroline has a co-edited book, more than 40 peer-reviewed publications, and over 100 scholarly presentations. Many of her publications and presentations are co-authored with undergraduate research students who she mentored or co-mentor as part of their capstone experiences. Jillian Kinzie is Associate Director, Center for Postsecondary Research and the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) Institute, Indiana University School of Education. She conducts research and leads project activities on effective use of student engagement data to improve educational quality, and serves as senior scholar with the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA) project. She is co-author of Assessment in Student Affairs (2016), Using Evidence of Student Learning to Improve Higher Education (2015), Student Success in College (2005/2010), and One Size Does Not Fit All: Traditional and Innovative Models of Student Affairs Practice (2008/2014). She is co-editor of New Directions in Higher Education and serves on the boards of the Washington Internship Institute, and the Gardner Institute for Excellence in Undergraduate Education. She received the Robert J. Menges Honored Presentation by the Professional Organizational Development (POD) Network in 2005 and 2011. Kinzie earned her PhD from Indiana University in higher education with a minor in women’s studies. Prior to this, she served on the faculty of Indiana University and coordinated the master’s program in higher education and student affairs. She also worked in academic and student affairs at Miami University and Case Western Reserve University. Tony Weaver is Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Sport Management at Elon University. Tony’s expertise is in college athletic administration and organizational change in sport organizations. His research often examines the rationale behind why higher education administrators emphasize college athletics and the impact of those decisions. Dr. Weaver has been instrumental in the development of several capstone experiences at Elon, including the integration of these experiences into the sport management curriculum. Tony has also been a leader in high-impact practices for the student-athlete, including mentoring undergraduate research projects, coordinating and supervising internships, and developing leadership opportunities. Currently, he leads an interdisciplinary capstone course at Elon and is the Faculty Mentor for the 2019 Leadership Fellows.