CEL facilitates multi-institutional research on engaged learning topics. Participants from institutions around the world collaborate over three years, producing scholarship that shapes research and practice globally.
CEL is home to two book series. In addition, CEL research seminars and other initiatives have produced 100+ publications (to date).
CEL’s concise guides offer research-informed practices for engaged learning.
CEL’s concise guides offer practical strategies for studying engaged learning.
CEL brings together international leaders in higher education to develop, synthesize, and share rigorous research on central questions about student learning.
The CEL Scholar role and CEL Student Scholars program enable Elon faculty and students to deepen their understanding of and professional development in scholarly activity on engaged learning.
As a teacher in higher education, it’s easy to feel pressure to have my graduates job-market ready, and at my university, we have had some engaging discussions about how well we should prepare students to use AI on the job….
CEL research seminars facilitate multi-institutional research on engaged learning topics. Participants from higher education institutions around the world collaborate over three years, producing scholarship that shapes research and practice globally.
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As CEL Scholars, Elon faculty develop expertise in a specific aspect of engaged learning and produce resources and other scholarly activity on that topic.
CEL invites scholars to join our conversations about research-informed practices for engaged learning.
Read Our Calls for Proposals
CEL is home to two book series: the CEL Open Access Book Series and the CEL/Routledge Series on Engaged Learning and Teaching. View all CEL books.
CEL regularly produces videos featuring contemporary research and theories on engaged learning pedagogies and the scholarship of teaching and learning. Explore additional videos throughout our website, or browse the entire collection.
Leadership is highlighted in higher education because educators believe leadership training matters in the job market. Research backs this up. Moody, Stewart, and Bolt-Lee (2002) found that leadership is one of the top five qualities employers look for and something…
Limed: Teaching with a Twist – Season 3, Episode 5 By necessity, ATI Physical Therapy uses elements of online, in-person, synchronous, and asynchronous learning in its residency programs. Jackie Davenport, Clinical Development Program Lead and Residency Director for ATI Physical…
In part one of this two-part blog post, I shared the revision of an artificial intelligence-supported assessment (AI-SA) I had used in spring 2024. The revised version gave students a choice in what technology (ChatGPT or internet search) they could…
Generative AI tools, like ChatGPT, are becoming common in education, and many students arrive at colleges and universities with some experience using them. Often, though, that experience is tinged with concern—worries about academic integrity or fear of doing something “wrong.”…
Making College “Worth It” – Season 2, Episode 5 In this episode, Anne-Marie Fannon and Soumya Garg from the Work-Learn Institute at the University of Waterloo share new research on the work-integrated learning (WIL) experiences of equity deserving groups. They…
A common point of confusion in the world of special education, with a shoutout to transitioning from a K-12 system to higher education in the US, are the differences between an individualized education plan (IEP) (often discussed alongside 504 plans), and…
Have you ever thought about what makes an effective tutor? Have you ever thought about what makes an effective tutor for children who are neurodiverse or just struggling with new concepts? Do tutors really need any support or training to…
Limed: Teaching with a Twist – Season 3, Episode 4 Matt Wittstein hosts Blake Hament from Elon University and Siobhan Oca from Duke University. Both are early career faculty teaching engineering courses and are considering ways to be empathetic while…
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