The Relationship-Rich Mentoring Map serves multiple orienting functions specific to mentoring relationships. Most generally, it represents one way to understand, identify, analyze, measure, assess, and plan the development of a relationship-rich environment that recognizes the multiplicity and value of many relationships, including mentoring relationships. The map we have developed draws salient relational characteristics and functions from the literature on mentors and mentoring to construct sliding measures that map out various kinds of relationships that support student learning and development. Learn more about the map in the post shared below.

The Relationship-Rich Mentoring Map has a Y-axis of characteristics of relationships (reciprocity & mutuality, intentionality, trust, identification, and intensity/time/duration) and a x-axis of functions of relationships (identity support, social/engagement support, academic support, personal support, cultural support, and career support). Both axis move from "less" to "greater." At the lower convergence of the axes is "supportive context." Mid-map is "Other meaningful relationships." At greater characteristics and greater functions, in the top right corner, is "Mentoring relationships."

Image of Relationship-Rich Mentoring Map, illustrating the importance of supportive context and other meaningful relationships to foster mentoring relationships. Text overlay reads, "Mentoring Matters: Defining Mentoring Relationships."

Mapping Mentoring Relationships and Constellations

As we explored in a previous post, if we take mentoring relationships seriously, as recent mentoring scholarship compels us to, our orientation shifts. It calls on us to understand mentors and mentoring – those sets of meaningful relationships – within…

Suggested Citation

Peeples, Tim, Jessie L. Moore, and Maureen Vandermaas-Peeler. 2024. “Relationship-Rich Mentoring Map.” Mentoring Matters: Supporting Students’ Development of Mentoring Constellations in Higher Education. Center for Engaged Learning.