Guidelines for manuscripts

Please follow all the guidelines for submitting manuscripts from Routledge. Their author guide provides information on how to format your text, submit images and tables, and acquire any needed permissions. Manuscripts should be submitted directly to us, rather than sent to Routledge. Email your documents to

A few important items to note:

  • When formatting your document, please:
    • Use Times New Roman 12-point font.
    • Justify left, and leave right of line unjustified or “ragged.”
    • Double-space with 1-inch margins.
    • Type only one space after periods and other terminal punctuation. (If you routinely type two spaces, do a find-and-replace to remove the extra spaces before you submit your manuscript to us.)
  • Figures should not be embedded within your Word document; each should be submitted as a separate document. Editable tables should be embedded within text. See the Routledge’s Submission Guide for details.
  • References should follow Chicago Manual of Style Author-Date style. We have created a quick guide for converting APA citations to CMS.
  • All images and figures must be 300 – 600 dpi. If you have questions about images, please contact Jennie.

Supplemental materials

All the books in the ELT series should incorporate supplemental materials that will be made available on the book’s website. The following supplemental resources are required for each book:

  • Discussion questions for reading groups (~5 questions for each chapter)
  • Short descriptions for each chapter (100-200 words)
  • Bios for each author/contributor
  • Photo for each author/contributor (Photos should be at least 600 x 600 pixels in size.)

Additional supplemental materials might include videos and other multimedia resources related to the book topics, sample research materials that might otherwise appear in an appendix, worksheets or guides for readers to apply ideas from the book to their own work, and anything else that you think would be beneficial for readers.

Once your book manuscript has been submitted, CEL will be in contact with you about a due date for your supplemental materials.

Book website

CEL will create an individual website for your book (for an example, see the website for Mind the Gap). The website generally has a description of each chapter, as well as discussion questions and related supplemental materials for each chapter.

We encourage you to use the URL to your book website in all your marketing efforts; the website will help readers orient themselves to your book, access the supplemental resources, and find a link to purchase at Routledge.