HomeSalient Practices Publications and Presentations Share: Section NavigationSkip section navigationIn this sectionSalient Practices Team Publications and Presentations Salient Practices Home Additional Undergraduate Research Resources Salient Practices Publications Hall, Eric E, Helen Walkington, Maureen Vandermaas-Peeler, Jenny Olin Shanahan, R. K. Gudiksen, and M. M. Zimmer. 2018. “Enhancing short-term undergraduate research experiences in study abroad: curriculum design and mentor development.” PURM: Perspectives on Undergraduate Research and Mentoring 7 (1): 1-17., Eric E., Helen Walkington, Jenny Olin Shanahan, Elizabeth Ackley, and K. A. Stewart. 2018. “Mentor perspectives on the place of undergraduate research mentoring in academic identity and career development: An analysis of award winning mentors.” International Journal of Academic Development 23 (1): 15-27., Jenny Olin, Elizabeth Ackley-Holbrook, Eric Hall, Kearsley Stewart, and Helen Walkington. 2015. “Ten salient practices of undergraduate research mentors: A review of the literature.” Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning 5: 359-376. InformationAbout this Journal Article:The authors conducted a literature review that focused on UR mentors’ practices. They wanted to know what effective mentorship looks like, because mentorship is the basis for successful UR. They described ten salient mentoring practices: strategic pre-planning; clear and well-scaffolded expectations; teach technical skills, method, and techniques; balance rigorous expectations with emotional support; build community among team members; dedicate time to one-on-one mentoring; increase student ownership over time; support student professional development; create opportunities for peer-mentoring; and guide students through dissemination. Shanahan, Jenny Olin, Helen Walkington, Elizabeth Ackley, Eric E. Hall, and Kearsley A. Stewart. 2017. “Award-Winning Mentors See Democratization as the Future of Undergraduate Research.” CUR Quarterly 37 (4): 4-11. InformationAbout this Journal Article:In this article, the authors set out to identify likely future trends for undergraduate research (UR) in the next five to ten years. This research is important for the field because it can help faculty and administrators consider how they plan to allocate resources to ensure equitable and high-quality UR mentoring in the future. The authors conducted a literature review and interviews with faculty who have won awards for their commitment to and expertise of UR. Their two main findings are as follows. First, UR will likely see greater democratization in terms of greater access to opportunities for students from historically-underserved groups, students from nontraditional populations, and students with average academic performance histories. And second, mentor-mentee relationships are expected to strengthen across national and international borders as online communication capacities continue to advance. Curricula redesigns that incorporate inquiry-based learning may also facilitate greater participation in UR. Shawyer, S., R. Aumiller, E. E. Hall, and K. Shively. 2020. “Mentoring undergraduate research in theatre and dance: Case studies of the salient practices framework in action.” PURM: Perspectives on Undergraduate Research and Mentoring 8 (1): 1-12., Helen, Eric E. Hall, Jenny Olin Shanahan, Elizabeth Ackley, and Kearsley Stewart. 2018. “Striving for Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research: The Challenges and Approaches to Salient Practices.” In Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research, edited by Maureen Vandermaas-Peeler, Paul C. Miller and Jessie L. Moore, 105-129. Washington, D.C.: Council on Undergraduate Research.Walkington, Helen, Kearsley A. Stewart, Eric E. Hall, Elizabeth Ackley, and Jenny Olin Shanahan. 2020. “Salient practices of award-winning undergraduate research mentors– balancing freedom and control to achieve excellence.” Studies in Higher Education 45 (7): 1519-1532., Helen, and Elizabeth A. C. Rushton. 2019. “Ten salient practices for mentoring student research in schools: New opportunities for teacher professional development.” Higher Education Studies 9 (4): 133-147. Related articles and chapters Larson, S., Partridge, L., Walkington, H., Wuetherick, B., Moore, J. 2018. An International Conversation about mentored undergraduate research and inquiry and academic development. International Journal for Academic Development, 23 (1), 6-14. Ketcham C.J., Hall E.E., Fitz-Gibbons H., Walkington H. (in press) Co-mentoring in undergraduate research: A faculty development perspective. In M. Vandermaas-Peeler, P.C. Miller and J. Moore (Eds) Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research. Council on Undergraduate Research: Washington D.C. Ketcham, C.J., Hall, E.E., & Miller, P.C. (2017). Co-mentoring undergraduate research: Student, faculty and institutional perspectives. Perspectives on Undergraduate Research and Mentoring, 6 (1), 1-13. Shanahan, J. O. (2018). Mentoring strategies that support underserved students. In Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research, Edited by J. Moore, M. Vandermaas-Peeler, & P. Miller. Washington, DC: Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR). Wuetherick, B., Willison, J., & Shanahan, J. O. (2018). Mentored undergraduate research at scale: Research in the curriculum and as pedagogy. In Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research, Edited by J. Moore, M. Vandermaas-Peeler, & P. Miller. Washington, DC: CUR. Presentations Vandermaas-Peeler, M., Hall, E., Allocco, A., & Pennington, B. (2018). Cultivating a culture of learning: Mentoring undergraduate research in global contexts. International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Bergen, Norway. Walkington, H., Hall, E., Shanahan, J., Ackley, E., & Stewart, K. (2018, October). Salient practices of award-winning undergraduate research mentors: Excellence, freedom and control. International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Bergen, Norway. Hall, E., Vandermaas-Peeler, M., Mangieri, T., & Ahmed, O. (2018, October). Developing international partnerships: Benefits and challenges of mentoring undergraduate research in a European Context. The Forum on Education Abroad – European Conference. Prague, Czech Republic. Miller, P.C, Vandermass-Peeler, M., Ackley, E., Ketcham, C., & Palmer, R. J. Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research and Inquiry. Council on Undergraduate Research Annual Meeting, Arlington, VA [Panel; 2018, July] Hall, E., Walkington, H., Ackley, E., Shanahan, J., & Stewart, K. (December 2017). Achieving balance in academic identity and career – insights from award winning undergraduate research mentors. Society for Research in Higher Education. Newport, Wales, UK. Walkington, H., Shanahan, J., Hall, E., Ackley, E., & Stewart, K. Striving for Excellence in Undergraduate-Research Mentoring: The Challenges and Approaches to Ten Salient Practices. International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Annual Convention, Alberta, CAN [2017, October] Walkington, H., Stewart, K., Shanahan, J. O., Hall, E., & Ackley, E. Salient Practices of Award Winning Undergraduate Research Mentors – Excellence, Freedom, and Control. Society for Research in Higher Education Annual International Conference, South Wales, United Kingdom [2016, December] Shanahan, J., Ackley, E., Hall, E., Stewart, K., & Walkington, H. Ten Salient Practices of Undergraduate Research Mentors. International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Los Angeles, CA [2016, October] Walkington, H., Stewart, K.A., Shanahan, J.O., Ackley-Holbrook, E., & Hall, E.E. (July, 2016). Salient practices of undergraduate research mentors: A multi-institutional, international study of what effective mentors do. Conference on Excellent Practices in Mentoring Undergraduate Research. Elon, NC. Hall, E.E., Ackley-Holbrook, E., Shanahan, J.O., Stewart, K.A., & Walkington, H. (July, 2016). Mentor perspectives on the place of undergraduate research mentoring in career development). Conference on Excellent Practices in Mentoring Undergraduate Research. Elon, NC. Shanahan, J.O., Ackley-Holbrook, E., Hall, E.E., Stewart, K.A., & Walkington, H. (July, 2016). Mentoring practices that support underrepresented students in research. Conference on Excellent Practices in Mentoring Undergraduate Research. Elon, NC. Ackley-Holbrook, E., Hall, E.E., Shanahan, J.O., Walkington, H., & Stewart, K.A. (July, 2016). Salient practices in undergraduate research: The mentee perspective. Conference on Excellent Practices in Mentoring Undergraduate Research. Elon, NC. Hall, E.E., Shanahan, J.O., Ackley-Holbrook, E., Stewart, K.A., & Walkington, H. (June 2016). Mentor perspectives on the place of undergraduate research mentoring in career development. Council on Undergraduate Research. Tampa, FL. Shanahan, J.O., Hall, E.E., Ackley-Holbrook, E., Stewart, K.A., & Walkington, H. (June 2016). Ten salient practices of undergraduate research mentors. Council on Undergraduate Research. Tampa, FL. Shanahan, J.O., Ackley-Holbrook, E., Hall, E.E., Stewart, K.A., & Walkington, H. (April 2016). Ten salient practices of undergraduate research mentors. National Conference on Undergraduate Research Faculty-Administrator Network Session. Asheville, NC. Workshops on Salient Practices Elon University (Hall and Ackley)Oxford Brookes University (Walkington)Roanoke College (Ackley and Hall)Westfield State University (Ackley, Hall, & Shanahan)