book cover for Promoting Equity and Justice through Pedagogical Partnership
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ISBN: 9781642672091

June 2021

This chapter of Promoting Equity and Justice through Pedagogical Partnership revisits the focus of each previous chapter and summarizes the overarching themes developed through the book: What would it look like to consider equity and justice throughout all aspects of partnership? How might those involved in partnership work invite critique, consider possible harms, and enable ongoing reflection during that work? What are some ways that those participating in partnership can sustain themselves while doing the challenging work of promoting equity and justice through partnership? In addition, this chapter leaves the reader with encouragement and a set of recommendations for further inquiry and discussion.

Discussion Questions

  • What would it look like to consider equity and justice throughout all aspects of partnership? Consider who is present in which kind of roles at the outset, who is recruited to participate and how recruiting efforts are guided by equity and justice principles, and what kinds of support are provided.
  • How might you invite critique, consider possible harms, and enable ongoing reflection during partnership work?
  • What are some ways to sustain yourself while doing the challenging work of promoting equity and justice through pedagogical partnership? For instance, what structures and processes can you develop to tap into the energizing potential of this work; how do you appropriately compensate participants; and how do you make space for and welcome skepticism and distrust as ways of engaging with pedagogical partnerships?