HomeConferences & Think TanksConference on Excellent Practices in Mentoring Undergraduate Research Call for Proposals Share: Section NavigationSkip section navigationIn this sectionConference on Excellent Practices in Mentoring Undergraduate Research Call for Proposals Speakers Schedule Registration Lodging The Center for Engaged Learning Conference on Excellent Practices in Mentoring Undergraduate Research will take place July 24-25, 2016, at Elon University in North Carolina. The conference will feature multi-institutional research conducted through the 2014-2016 Elon University Center for Engaged Learning Research Seminar on Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research. While the impacts on student development associated with a mentored undergraduate research experience are fairly well accepted, the characteristics and processes related to the high-quality mentoring of undergraduate research remain to be elucidated. Six multi-institutional teams representing 26 institutions have conducted research exploring key characteristics of high quality undergraduate research mentoring, pathways to and through mentored undergraduate inquiry for underrepresented students, mentoring and student identity development, building capacity for mentored undergraduate research, mentoring models, and preparing future faculty as undergraduate research mentors. We invite other scholars to join the culminating conversation about these inquiry projects and to share their own research related to one of the following themes: Key characteristics of mentoring undergraduate researchMentoring relationships and student developmentMentoring practices and faculty development in academic communitiesUndergraduate research program development and implementationEnhancing and evaluating undergraduate research outcomes Whether preparing to pursue graduate studies or enter the workforce, the abilities to think critically, communicate effectively, and solve complex problems are among the most valuable skills undergraduate students can develop during their collegiate careers (Hart Research Associates, 2013). While the development of these skills may begin in the classroom, students engaged in mentored inquiry and who are meaningfully connected to learning communities more broadly defined tend to develop these skills more deeply. These students report greater satisfaction with their collegiate experience and success after college. Further, Kuh and O’Donnell (2013) contend that the deepest engagement in undergraduate research and inquiry occurs when students participate in all aspects of the research process from problem identification to public dissemination, doing so in close working relationships with faculty teacher-scholars. In order to maximize the benefits of participation in mentored undergraduate research, scholarship must focus on markers of excellence throughout the practice. To submit a proposal, please submit the following information through the online submission form by November 30, 2015 (Deadline Extended): Name, professional title and contact information for all participantsPresentation titleConference theme your presentation connects to300-word abstract/proposal, connecting the proposed presentation to one of the conference themes(500-word abstract/proposal for panel presentations and roundtables)Preferred Presentation Type (please specify a first- and second-choice preference)PosterIndividual oral presentation (15 minutes with 5 minutes Q & A)Panel Presentation (75 minutes, with at least 15 minutes for discussion)Roundtable (75 minutes; please specify how the facilitators will foster conversation among roundtable attendees) Click Here to Submit a Proposal Proposal Deadline (Extended): November 30, 2015 Download a Printer-Friendly Version of the CFP