HomeConferences & Think TanksISSOTL Online 2013 Student Voices in SOTL Share: Student Voices in SoTL draws on the expertise of ISSoTL Students as Co-inquirers SIG members. Further, we hope to increase (graduate and undergraduate) student participation in the 2013 conference, so this online pre-conference strand extends those efforts by exploring the roles students can take in SoTL and the expertise they bring to our work. Week 1 (September 9-14, 2013): Why Integrate Student Voices in SOTL?Live Chat with Carmen Werder and Megan Otis on Monday, September 9, 2013, at 9:00 AM PDT/ 12:00 noon U.S. EDT / 16:00 UTCWeek 2 (September 15-21, 2013): Models for Integrating Student Voices in SOTLLive Chat with Alison Cook-Sather and Hayley Burke on Monday, September 16, 2013, at 10:30 AM U.S. EDT / 14:30 UTCWeek 3 (September 23-28, 2013): Tips and Best Practices for Including Student VoicesLive Chat with Catherine Bovill and Peter Felten on Monday, September 23, 2013, at 8:00 AM U.S. Eastern Daylight /12:00 UTC/ 1:00 PM British Summer Time Need to calculate the Live Chat times for your time zone? Click here to access a Time Zone Converter.