HomeResearch SeminarsExcellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research Project Showcase Share: Section NavigationSkip section navigationIn this sectionExcellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research Research Seminar Seminar Leaders Call for Applications Accepted Participants Research Cohorts Seminar Logistics Project Showcase We are pleased to showcase Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research participants’ publications and presentations related to their seminar projects: Amin, S., Andrea Hunt, Michael Neal, Ruth Palmer, Christin Scholz, and Brad Wuetherick. 2014. “Mentoring of undergraduate research and identity development.” Presentation at Pre-ISSOTL CUR Symposium, Quebec City, Canada, October 22, 2014.Baker, Vicki L., Meghan J. Pifer, Laura G. Lunsford, Jane Greer, and Dijana Ihas. 2015. “Faculty as mentors in undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative work: Motivating and inhibiting factors. .” Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning. http://10.1080/13611267.2015.1126164.Baker, Vicki L., Jane Greer, Laura G. Lunsford, Dijana Ihas, and Meghan J. Pifer. 2018. “Supporting Faculty Development for Mentoring in Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creative Work.” In Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research, edited by Maureen Vandermaas-Peeler, Paul C. Miller and Jessie L. Moore, 131-153. Washington, D.C.: Council on Undergraduate Research.Crisp, Gloria, Vicki L. Baker, Kimberly A. Griffin, Laura Gail Lunsford, and Meghan J. Pifer. 2017. “Mentoring Undergraduate Students.” ASHE Higher Education Report 43 (1).Davis, Shannon N., Duhita Mahatmya, Pamela W. Garner, and Rebecca M. Jones. 2015. “Mentoring undergraduate scholars: A pathway to interdisciplinary research?” Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning DOI: 10.1080/13611267.2015.1126166.Garnder, Pamela W., Duhita Mahatmya, Rebecca M. Jones, and Shannon N. Davis. 2018. “Undergraduate Research Mentoring Relationships: A Mechanism for Developing Social Capital for Underrepresented Students.” In Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research, edited by Maureen Vandermaas-Peeler, Paul C. Miller and Jessie L. Moore, 77-103. Washington, D.C.: Council on Undergraduate Research.Hall, Eric E., Helen Walkington, Jenny Olin Shanahan, Elizabeth Ackley, and K. A. Stewart. 2018. “Mentor perspectives on the place of undergraduate research mentoring in academic identity and career development: An analysis of award winning mentors.” International Journal of Academic Development 23 (1): 15-27. https://doi.org/10.1080/1360144X.2017.1412972.Hall, Eric E, Helen Walkington, Maureen Vandermaas-Peeler, Jenny Olin Shanahan, R. K. Gudiksen, and M. M. Zimmer. 2018. “Enhancing short-term undergraduate research experiences in study abroad: curriculum design and mentor development.” PURM: Perspectives on Undergraduate Research and Mentoring 7 (1): 1-17. http://blogs.elon.edu/purm/files/2018/10/Hall_Walkington_VandermaasPeeler_Shanahan_Gudiksen_Zimmer_main.pdf.Hill, Jennifer, and Helen Walkington. 2016. “Developing Graduate Attributes through Participation in Undergraduate Research Conferences.” Journal of Geography in Higher Education 40 (2): 222-237. https://doi.org/10.1080/03098265.2016.1140128.More InformationAbout this Journal Article:This article examines students’ experiences at a national undergraduate research conference in an effort to understand the development of graduate attributes, which are the framework of skills, attitudes, values and knowledge that graduates ought to have developed by the end of their degrees. The research takes a largely qualitative approach, using semi-structured interviews to collect data. The authors explain that research on graduate attributes is relevant because there is a growing, international conversation about the purpose and characteristics of higher education, and that it is becoming ever more important for institutions to justify their social roles to students. This article focuses on a case study of 22 Geography, Earth and Environmental Science (GEES) graduates, and forms part of a larger study on interdisciplinary graduate attributes. Additionally, the authors split the attributes they analyzed into five categories: communication; research and inquiry skills; personal and intellectual autonomy; ethical, social, and professional understanding; and information literacy. Notably, the authors found that the conference provided a safe and supportive, while also challenging, context for students to develop these skills. This research highlights the importance of opportunities to develop such skills outside of formal disciplinary curricula. Hill, Jennifer, Helen Walkington, and Derek France. 2016. “Graduate attributes: implications for higher education practice and policy.” Journal of Geography in Higher Education 40 (2): 155-163. https://doi.org/10.1080/03098265.2016.1154932.More InformationAbout this Journal Article:This article offers an overview of existing higher education literature on and attitudes towards the development of graduate attributes, while introducing the papers which comprised a symposium on this research context. One issue the authors discuss is the extent of the connection between what academic staff set up for students in terms of skill development and how much students actually experience. The authors also note the importance of students accepting agency in the process of developing their own graduate attributes, rather than letting the system determine their identities. In their conclusion, the authors emphasize that regardless of inconsistencies in teaching and assessing graduate attributes, they play a valuable role in enhancing learning and connecting learning to work beyond students’ academic careers. Johnson, W. Brad. 2018. “Foreword.” In Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research, edited by Maureen Vandermaas-Peeler, Paul C. Miller and Jessie L. Moore, ix-xii. Washington, D.C.: Council on Undergraduate Research.Johnson, Brad W., Laura L. Behling, Paul C. Miller, and Maureen Vandermaas-Peeler. 2015. “Undergraduate research mentoring: Obstacles and opportunities.” Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning DOI: 10.1080/13611267.2015.1126167.Ketcham, Caroline J., Eric E. Hall, Heather M. Fitz Gibbon, and Helen Walkington. 2018. “Co-Mentoring in Undergraduate Research: A Faculty Development Perspective.” In Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research, edited by Maureen Vandermaas-Peeler, Paul C. Miller and Jessie L. Moore, 155-179. Washington, D.C.: Council on Undergraduate Research.Ketcham, Caroline J., Eric E. Hall, and Paul C. Miller. 2017. “Co-Mentoring Undergraduate Research: Student, Faculty and Institutional Perspectives.” Perspectives on Undergraduate Research and Mentoring 6 (1). http://blogs.elon.edu/purm/files/2017/10/final_Ketcham-Hall-Miller_main.pdf.More InformationAbout this Journal Article:This article outlines the benefits and challenges of co-mentoring for students, faculty mentors, and institutions. The authors themselves have several years of experience co-mentoring undergraduate research projects, and offer insights they have gained through those projects. The authors present the co-mentoring model they have developed and a practical guide to co-mentoring, incorporating salient practices of mentoring undergraduate research. In their conclusion, the authors note that a lot of work needs to happen to foster co-mentoring relationships, but if that happens, they can be extremely beneficial to all involved parties. Kneale, Pauline, Andrew Edwards-Jones, Helen Walkington, and Jennifer Hill. 2016. “Evaluating undergraduate research conferences as vehicles for novice researcher development.” International Journal for Researcher Development 7 (2): 159-177. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJRD-10-2015-0026.More InformationAbout this Journal Article:This paper assesses the significance of participation in undergraduate research conferences on students’ attitudes and professional development, including the development of graduate attributes. The paper positions the undergraduate research conference as an authentic learning context using the theory of situated learning. The authors interviewed 90 undergraduate students at research conferences, and analyzed their responses using the Researcher Development Framework. Students reported that paper presentations, poster presentations, and the overall conference experience were particularly valuable to their skill development. Two of these skills were public engagement and communication, which the authors note are routinely sought after by employers. The authors also offered some suggestions to conference organizers in order to maximize skill development, including providing dedicated networking time within the program. Larson, Susan, Lee Partridge, Helen Walkington, Brad Wuetherick, and Jessie L. Moore. 2018. “An International Conversation about mentored undergraduate research and inquiry and academic development.” International Journal of Academic Development 23 (1): 6-14. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1360144X.2018.1415033.Lunsford, Laura, Meghan Pifer, Vicki Baker, Jane Greer, and Dijana Ihas. 2015. “Who are Faculty Mentors of Undergraduate Research, Scholarly, or Creative Works?” Presentation at Annual meeting of the International Mentoring Association, Phoenix, AZ, April 2015.Moore, Jessie L. 2018. “Afterword.” In Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research, edited by Maureen Vandermaas-Peeler, Paul C. Miller and Jessie L. Moore, 215-219. Washington, D.C.: Council on Undergraduate Research.Nicholson, Brittany A., Meagan Pollock, Caroline J. Ketcham, Heather M. Fitz Gibbon, Evan D. Bradley, and Michelle Bata. 2017. “Beyond the Mentor-Mentee Model: A Case for Multi-Mentoring in Undergraduate Research.” Perspectives on Undergraduate Research and Mentoring 6 (1). http://blogs.elon.edu/purm/files/2017/10/Nicholson_et_al_6.1.pdf.More InformationAbout this Journal Article:In this paper, the authors argue that multi-mentoring can be applied in a global, interdisciplinary context to undergraduate research, and make the case for moving beyond the traditional one-to-one model as the default for inquiry into undergraduate research practices. The paper includes descriptions of relevant multi-mentoring and co-mentoring models, and offers suggestions for implementing multi- and co-mentoring practices to advance the undergraduate experience. In their conclusion, the authors note that institutions will need to assist faculty mentors in overcoming some of the challenges that accompany starting out with multi-mentoring. Palmer, Ruth J., Andrea N. Hunt, Michael Neal, and Brad Wuetherick. 2015. “Mentoring, undergraduate research, and identity development: A conceptual review and research agenda.” Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning DOI: 10.1080/13611267.2015.1126165.Palmer, Ruth J, Andrea N Hunt, Michael R Neal, and Brad Wuetherick. 2018. “Mentored Undergraduate Research: An Investigation into Students’ Perceptions of Its Impact on Identity Development.” In Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research, edited by Maureen Vandermaas-Peeler, Paul C. Miller and Jessie L. Moore, 19-42. Washington, D.C.: Council on Undergraduate Research.Partridge, Lee, Kathy Takayama, Candace Rypisi, and Cassandra Horii. 2014. “Preparing future faculty for undergraduate research mentoring: A multi-institutional study.” Presentation at Pre-ISSOTL CUR Symposium, Quebec City, Canada, October 22, 2014.Shanahan, Jenny O., Elizabeth Ackley-Holbrook, Eric Hall, Kearsley Stewart, and Helen Walkington. 2015. “Ten salient practices of undergraduate research mentors: A review of the literature.” Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning DOI: 10.1080/13611267.2015.1126162.Shanahan, Jenny Olin, Elizabeth Ackley-Holbrook, Eric Hall, Kearsley Stewart, and Helen Walkington. 2015. “Ten salient practices of undergraduate research mentors: A review of the literature.” Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning 5: 359-376. https://doi.org/10.1080/13611267.2015.1126162.More InformationAbout this Journal Article:The authors conducted a literature review that focused on UR mentors’ practices. They wanted to know what effective mentorship looks like, because mentorship is the basis for successful UR. They described ten salient mentoring practices: strategic pre-planning; clear and well-scaffolded expectations; teach technical skills, method, and techniques; balance rigorous expectations with emotional support; build community among team members; dedicate time to one-on-one mentoring; increase student ownership over time; support student professional development; create opportunities for peer-mentoring; and guide students through dissemination. Shanahan, Jenny Olin, Helen Walkington, Elizabeth Ackley, Eric E. Hall, and Kearsley A. Stewart. 2017. “Award-Winning Mentors See Democratization as the Future of Undergraduate Research.” CUR Quarterly 37 (4): 4-11. https://doi.org/10.18833/curq/37/4/14.More InformationAbout this Journal Article:In this article, the authors set out to identify likely future trends for undergraduate research (UR) in the next five to ten years. This research is important for the field because it can help faculty and administrators consider how they plan to allocate resources to ensure equitable and high-quality UR mentoring in the future. The authors conducted a literature review and interviews with faculty who have won awards for their commitment to and expertise of UR. Their two main findings are as follows. First, UR will likely see greater democratization in terms of greater access to opportunities for students from historically-underserved groups, students from nontraditional populations, and students with average academic performance histories. And second, mentor-mentee relationships are expected to strengthen across national and international borders as online communication capacities continue to advance. Curricula redesigns that incorporate inquiry-based learning may also facilitate greater participation in UR. Shanahan, Jenny Olin. 2018. “Mentoring Strategies that Support Underrepresented Students in Undergraduate Research.” In Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research, edited by Maureen Vandermaas-Peeler, Paul C. Miller and Jessie L. Moore, 43-75. Washington, D.C.: Council on Undergraduate Research.Shawyer, S., R. Aumiller, E. E. Hall, and K. Shively. 2020. “Mentoring undergraduate research in theatre and dance: Case studies of the salient practices framework in action.” PURM: Perspectives on Undergraduate Research and Mentoring 8 (1): 1-12. https://www.elon.edu/u/academics/undergraduate-research/purm/wp-content/uploads/sites/923/2020/02/Shawyer-et-al.pdf.Vandermaas-Peeler, Maureen, Pault C. Miller, and Tim Peeples. 2015. “‘Mentoring is sharing the excitement of discovery’: Faculty perceptions of undergraduate research mentoring.” Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning DOI: 10.1080/13611267.2015.1126163.Vandermaas-Peeler, Maureen, Paul C. Miller, and Jessie L. Moore. 2018. Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research. Washington, D.C.: Council on Undergraduate Research.More InformationAbout this Book:This edited collection features multi-institutional and international research from the 2014-2016 Center for Engaged Learning research seminar on Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research. Vandermaas-Peeler, Maureen, Paul C. Miller, and Jessie L. Moore. 2018. “Introduction: Considering Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research in Context.” In Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research, edited by Maureen Vandermas-Peeler, Paul C. Miller and Jessie L. Moore, 1-18. Washington, D.C.: Council on Undergraduate Research.Walkington, Helen, Jennifer Hill, and Pauline E. Kneale. 2016. “Reciprocal elucidation: a student-led pedagogy in multidisciplinary undergraduate research conferences.” Higher Education Research and Development 36 (2): 416-429. https://doi.org/10.1080/07294360.2016.1208155.More InformationAbout this Journal Article:This article investigates the benefits of attending a multidisciplinary research conference as an undergraduate researcher, focusing on student voices and self-perceptions of learning and skill development. The authors conducted 90 interviews with student conference participants over the course of three years, and found that the opportunity to present research in a setting outside of institutional or disciplinary contexts bolstered student researchers’ development of skills and confidence. The authors frame the undergraduate research conference as a threshold experience for self-authorship development, and thus such conferences are much more than just a space to present research findings. They also found that students who presented at conferences often reported a sense of unfinishedness, which challenges academics to consider ways to bring comparable experiences into the classroom, to provide space for students to develop knowledge through reciprocal dialogue. Walkington, Helen, Eric E. Hall, Jenny Olin Shanahan, Elizabeth Ackley, and Kearsley Stewart. 2018. “Striving for Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research: The Challenges and Approaches to Salient Practices.” In Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research, edited by Maureen Vandermaas-Peeler, Paul C. Miller and Jessie L. Moore, 105-129. Washington, D.C.: Council on Undergraduate Research.Walkington, Helen, Kearsley A. Stewart, Eric E. Hall, Elizabeth Ackley, and Jenny Olin Shanahan. 2020. “Salient practices of award-winning undergraduate research mentors– balancing freedom and control to achieve excellence.” Studies in Higher Education 45 (7): 1519-1532. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03075079.2019.1637838.Walkington, Helen, and Elizabeth A. C. Rushton. 2019. “Ten salient practices for mentoring student research in schools: New opportunities for teacher professional development.” Higher Education Studies 9 (4): 133-147. https://doi.org/10.5539/hes.v9n4p133.Walkington, Helen. 2015. Students as researchers: Supporting undergraduate research in the disciplines in higher education. York, UK: Higher Education Academy.More InformationAbout this Book:Access online at https://www.advance-he.ac.uk/knowledge-hub/students-researchers-supporting-undergraduate-research-disciplines-higher-education Wuetherick, Brad, John Willison, and Jenny Olin Shanahan. 2018. “Mentored Undergraduate Research at Scale: Undergraduate Research in the Curriculum and as Pedagogy.” In Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research, edited by Maureen Vandermaas-Peeler, Paul C. Miller and Jessie L. Moore, 181-202. Washington, D.C.: Council on Undergraduate Research. Please check back for updates.