Two books by Critical Transitions: Writing and the Question of Transfer participants recently earned recognition at the 2016 conference of the Council of Writing Program Administrators.

WritingAcrossContextsWriting across Contexts: Transfer, Composition, and Sites of Writing, written by Kathleen Blake Yancey, Liane Robertson, and Kara Taczak, won the 2016 CWPA Best Book Award. The book explores the research and theory behind Teaching for Transfer (TFT), an approach to teaching composition that focuses on teaching for transfer of writing knowledge and practices. The book previously was recognized with the 2015 Conference on College Composition and Communication Research Impact Award.

NamingWhatWeKnowNaming What We Know: Threshold Concepts of Writing Studies, edited by Linda Adler-Kassner and Elizabeth Wardle, won the 2016 CWPA Special Award for Outstanding Scholarship. Contributors include several research seminar participants: Linda Adler-Kassner, Chris M. Anson, Liane Robertson, Kara Taczak, Elizabeth Wardle, and Kathleen Blake Yancey.

Congratulations to the authors and editors on these well-deserved awards!

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Seminar books win awards. 2016, July 25. [Blog Post]. Retrieved from