book cover of What Teaching Looks Like
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ISBN: 978-1-951414-07-8

June 2022

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ISBN: 978-1-951414-06-1

July 2022 (Temporarily Unavailable)

One of the earliest insights from the beginnings of The Teaching and Learning Project as a photography class assignment was the revelation of the many kinds of normally invisible work that came to light. By photographing in faculty offices, centers for teaching and learning, meeting rooms, libraries, and casual campus spaces, this chapter bursts not only typical university silos, but also paves the way for increased empathy and understanding of the educational labor undertaken by those filling the many different roles in institutions of higher education today. This series of images and accompanying text also confront inequities and issues—particularly those of increasing numbers of adjunct faculty—with new immediacy, and they incorporate reflections from upper-level administrators, another often-unseen and misunderstood group that is crucial to efforts to support and improve teaching.

Discussion Questions

  • What signs or symbols show you, or hide from you, whether those doing the work are faculty, staff, or administrators?
  • Can you tell which students are taught by contingent or tenure-track, part-time or full-time faculty?
  • Where do you find evidence of silos being broken down or enforced, and a sense of community and collaboration being eroded or fostered?
  • What other insights emerge for you about the nature of postsecondary educational work, hidden and revealed?