The Facilitating Integration and Reflection of the Elon Experiences (FIRE2) Toolkit is intended to foster both students’ self-reflection and mentoring conversations with peers, staff, and faculty in order to deepen students’ Elon Experiences.

Faculty and staff associated with each Elon Experience drafted questions specific to each experience. We then shared the draft Toolkit with students participating in multiple focus group sessions and used their feedback to revise the questions.

Faculty and students from three majors piloted the questions in Fall 2020. In addition, our colleagues in the Center for Design Thinking integrated the Toolkit into an Elon By {Your} Design workshop for Elon 101 and other learning contexts.

As of 2023, the Toolkit is available for use across Elon University.

Read More

Moore, Jessie L., and Paul C. Miller. 2023. “Igniting Mentoring Relationships with the FIRE2 Toolkit.” New Directions for Teaching and Learning 2023: 21–28. [Open Access]

Follow-up Questions about the FIRE2 Toolkit? Adapting the Toolkit for another institutional context?

We’re happy to address questions and to help you think about adapting the Toolkit for your context. If you use or modify the Toolkit, please include a reference to the FIRE2 Toolkit website. Thank you!

Jessie L. Moore ( is Director of the Center for Engaged Learning and Professor of English: Professional Writing & Rhetoric at Elon University. Jessie leads planning, implementation, and assessment of the Center’s international, multi-institutional research seminars on engaged learning topics.

Paul Miller ( is Associate Provost for Academic Excellence and Operations and Professor of Exercise Science at Elon University. Paul previously chaired the Experiential Education Advisory Committee and directed Elon’s Undergraduate Research Program.