HomeEngaged Learning ResourcesFacilitating Integration and Reflection of the Elon Experiences Toolkit Facilitating Integration and Reflection on Service Share: Section NavigationSkip section navigationIn this sectionFacilitating Integration and Reflection of the Elon Experiences Toolkit Across Experience Questions Global Engagement Internships Leadership Service Undergraduate Research About the Toolkit Click below to view question sets you can consider as you reflect on how Service integrates with the rest of your education and with your personal and professional goals. Use the menu to the right to access questions specific to each of the other Elon Experiences. Service: Pre-Experience What do you know about your potential community partner, and what do you hope to learn about this community partner and/or the people the organization serves? What assumptions are you making about your potential service community partner and the people the organization serves? What are your goals for your service experience? What skills do you hope to develop, or what experiences do you hope to gain, during your service? Service: During the Experience How does your service experience at your community partner relate to what you are learning in your community-based learning class? How does it relate to what you have learned elsewhere (in other courses, from other service experiences, etc.)? What experiences working your with your community partner have surprised you, and why? How has your experience compared to the assumptions you held about your community partner before starting your service? What coursework or other experiences have you done that are relevant to your service experience? What has your service experience so far helped you understand about your own values and biases? How successful have you been so far at meeting your responsibilities to your community partner, and what strategies have contributed to your success? What have you learned so far that will inform your continuing work with your community partner? Service: Post-Experience What did you learn – about yourself or your field of study – during your service experience? What surprised you about your service experience? How did your experience compare to the assumptions you held about your community partner before starting your service? In what ways were you successful at meeting your commitments to your community partner, and what strategies or practices contributed to your success? In what ways were you challenged by your service experience? Based on your service experience, what else would you like to learn to advance in your professional field or related areas? What will you do in the future to build on this service experience? Want to write responses to one or more of these Service questions? Open this Google Doc and make a copy (File –> Make a Copy) to save an editable version to your Google Drive.