HomePublicationsOpen Access Book Series Editorial Board Share: Section NavigationSkip section navigationIn this sectionOpen Access Book Series Forthcoming Books Editorial Board Series Editors Proposal Guidelines Author Guide Adriana Aldana, PhDAssistant Professor, Department of Social WorkCalifornia State University, Dominguez HillsUnited States Adriana Aldana earned her doctorate from the Joint Doctoral Program in Social Work and Developmental Psychology at the University of Michigan. Before moving to her graduate studies, she attended California State University, Northridge, where she earned a BA in Chicano Studies and Psychology in 2007. She is a community-based practitioner and developmental psychologist, with an emphasis on youth sociopolitical empowerment. Her scholarship examines how participatory action research and multicultural organizing models build youths’ capacity for anti-racism engagement. Her research with diverse youth has identified the processes that promote young people’s ability to think critically about their social identity, systems of privilege and oppression, and inclusive social action tactics. As a practitioner, she has organized social justice workshops, managed a community-based youth dialogue program, and developed program curricula for K-12 educators and youth’s multicultural training. Isis Artze-Vega, EdDVice President for Academic AffairsValencia CollegeUnited States Isis Artze-Vega, Ed.D. serves as Vice President for Academic Affairs at Valencia College in Central Florida, long regarded one of the nation’s most innovative community colleges, serving more than 70,000 students each year, and a recently designated Hispanic-Serving Institution. She provides strategic leadership for the areas of curriculum, assessment, faculty development, distance learning, career and workforce education, and partnerships for educational equity. Prior to joining Valencia, Isis served as Assistant Vice President for Teaching and Learning at Florida International University. There, she provided leadership for such university-wide initiatives as a multi-year gateway course project, a hybrid course initiative, and the comprehensive redesign of teaching evaluation. Prior to joining FIU, Isis taught English Composition and Enrollment Management at the University of Miami. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in English and French from Duke University, a Master of Arts in Literature from the University of Miami, and a Doctorate of Education in Higher Education Leadership from the University of Miami. Isis is an active member of the national educational development community, currently serving on the board of the Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network. Most importantly, she is the proud wife of visual artist Sinuhe Vega; the proud mami of Kamilah, 13, and Delilah, 11; and forever indebted to extraordinary parents, Mayra and Elias. Her work is fueled by a commitment to equity and justice, implemented through love and service. Catherine Bovill, PhDSenior Lecturer in Student Engagement, Institute for Academic DevelopmentUniversity of EdinburghUnited Kingdom Dr Catherine Bovill is Senior Lecturer in Student Engagement at the Institute for Academic Development (IAD), University of Edinburgh, and Visiting Fellow (Knowledge Exchange) at the University of Winchester. Cathy leads the IAD Programme and Course Design team supporting curriculum enhancement across the University of Edinburgh, she leads the University Learning and Teaching Conference team, and supports a range of strategic student engagement projects across Edinburgh. Cathy is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Fellow of the Staff and Educational Development Association, and Scottish representative on the UK Teaching Excellence Awards Advisory Panel. She is an Editorial Board member for Teaching in Higher Education and she was Associate Editor (Europe) for the International Journal for Academic Development from 2013-2016. She regularly publishes and presents her research internationally on student engagement, students as partners and student-staff co-creation of curricula. Publications include two sector leading books: Cook-Sather, Bovill and Felten (2014) Engaging students as partners in learning and teaching: a guide for faculty and Bovill (2020) Co-creating learning and teaching: towards relational pedagogy in higher education. Cathy was awarded a prestigious Fulbright Scholarship and was based at Elon University, North Carolina for the 2019-2020 academic year. Nancy Chick, PhDDirector, Endeavor Foundation Center for Faculty DevelopmentRollins CollegeUnited States Nancy Chick (PhD, English) is Director of the Endeavor Foundation Center for Faculty Development at Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida. She is also editor of SoTL in Action: Illuminating Critical Moments of Practice (Stylus, 2018); co-editor of The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning as Public Scholarship (Stylus, 2021), Exploring Signature Pedagogies: Approaches to Teaching Disciplinary Habits of Mind (Stylus, 2009) and Exploring More Signature Pedagogies (Stylus, 2012); and founding co-editor of Teaching & Learning Inquiry, the journal of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL). She is also Co-President (with Chng Huang Hoon, of National University of Singapore) of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL). Chng Huang Hoon, PhDAssociate Provost (Undergraduate Education)National University of SingaporeSingapore Chng Huang Hoon (PhD Linguistics, University of Texas – Austin) is concurrently serving as Associate Provost (Undergraduate Education) and Director of the Chua Thian Poh Community Leadership Centre at the National University of Singapore. From July 2020, she also serves as co-President of the International Society of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Apart from her work in curriculum, pedagogy, SoTL, and community leadership, her current interests include thinking about how to build and transform institutional culture through SoTL, advocating for equity, diversity and inclusion in the institution, and working on integrating student voices in curriculum. Her most recent papers include “Leading change from different shores: The challenges of contextualizing the scholarship of teaching and learning” (with Katarina Mårtensson and Brenda Leibowitz, vol. 8:1, TLI, 2020), “Dialogue: In conversation with Elizabeth Minnich” (vol.7:2, TLI, 2019), and “‘The danger of a single story’: A reflection on institutional change, voices, identities, power, and outcomes” (with Joy Mighty, Torgny Roxå, Mary Deane Sorcinelli and Michele DiPietro, vol.24:2, IJAD, 2019). Bryan Dewsbury, PhDAssociate Professor of BiologyUniversity of Rhode IslandUnited States Bryan Dewsbury is an Associate Professor of Biology at the University of Rhode Island. He is the Principal Investigator of the Science Education And Society (SEAS) research program where as a team they blend research on the social context of teaching and learning, faculty development of inclusive practices and programming in the cultivation of equity in education. He is also a Fellow with the John N. Gardner Institute where he assists institutions of higher education cultivate best practices in inclusive education. He was born and raised in Trinidad and Tobago. He immigrated in 1999 and attended Morehouse College for his Bachelors of Science in Biology after which he attended Florida International University for a Masters and PhD also in Biology. From there he transitioned to URI where his research focuses on inclusion and equity. Among his many publications is his 2019 piece “Deep Teaching in the STEM classroom” (CSSE) that recentralizes dialogue as the basis for good teaching. He has conducted faculty development and given plenary addresses on this topic to over 50 institutions of higher education, corporations and K12 institutions across North America. Ashley Finley, PhDSenior Advisor to the President and Vice President of Strategic Planning and PartnershipsAssociation of American Colleges & UniversitiesUnited States Ashley Finley is the senior advisor to the president at the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U). She was previously the associate vice president for academic affairs and founding dean of the Dominican Experience at Dominican University of California and also national evaluator for Bringing Theory to Practice. In her current role, Dr. Finley guides strategic initiatives and planning across AAC&U’s program offices in collaboration with association leaders and member campuses. Dr. Finley’s research and campus engagement focuses on connecting effective implementation of high-impact learning, assessment, and equity with institutional outcomes for student success and strategic planning. A significant component of these efforts has been the highlighting of students’ intrapersonal growth and development with their learning and civic engagement. Her publications include Civic Learning and Teaching; Assessing Underserved Students’ Engagement in High-Impact Practices; and “Well-Being: An Essential Outcome for Higher Education.” Finley received a BA from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and an MA and PhD, both in sociology, from the University of Iowa. David J. Hornsby, PhDVice Provost and Associate Vice-President (Academic)Carleton UniversityCanada Dr David J Hornsby is a Professor in the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs and the Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President (Academic) Carleton University, Ottawa. Prior, David was the Associate Vice-President (Teaching and Learning) and held faculty positions at University College London and the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits), Johannesburg South Africa. David has published in both the biological and social sciences, and is a recognized lecturer and researcher. David’s teaching and learning research considers how higher education pedagogy acts as an important site for individual and societal transformation. His publications focus on a number of prescient topics such as Large Class Pedagogy, Massification in Higher Education, Socially Just Pedagogies, Citizenship in Teaching and Learning and Teaching and Learning under a Context of Disruption. Torgny Roxå, PhDSenior Lecturer, Division for Higher Education DevelopmentLund UniversitySweden Torgny Roxå is an associate professor at Lund University (Sweden) and has 30 years of experience in academic development. He developed the first Excellent Teaching Practitioner scheme, a reward for excellent teachers and their departments, which now runs on its 19th year and has inspired around 30 Swedish and Scandinavian institutions. His research is focused upon strategic change in teaching cultures within higher education organisations, significant networks, and microcultures. Currently he is preoccupied with issues on how to describe and analyse university-wide change in teaching and learning, especially the important but sometimes fragile collaboration between academic developers and institutional managers. Kathryn Sutherland, PhDTe Kōtuinga Mātauranga | Centre for Academic Development (CAD)Te Herenga Waka | Victoria University of WellingtonAotearoa New Zealand Dr Kathryn Sutherland is an academic (faculty) developer in the Centre for Academic Development at Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand. She is an award-winning teacher and researcher whose research and practice has three main areas of focus: academic work lives; holistic academic development; and working in partnership with students to improve teaching and learning. Recent publications in each of these areas include the book Early career academics in New Zealand universities (2018), the provocative extended editorial Holistic academic development (2018), which received the Distinguished Contribution to the Scholarship of Educational Development award, and numerous book chapters on student-staff partnership written with students, including Chapter 5 in the recently published Elon University Center for Engaged Learning Open Access book, The Power of Partnership (2020). Kathryn is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, was a co-editor of the International Journal for Academic Development for ten years, and is a keen but slow runner. Dawn Whitehead, PhDVice President, Office of Global Citizenship for Campus, Community and CareersAssociation of American Colleges & UniversitiesUnited States Dawn Michele Whitehead is the Vice President of the Office of Global Citizenship for Campus, Community, and Careers at the Association of American College and Universities (AAC&U). Her work focuses on advancing practices and strategies to integrate global and experiential learning across curricular and co-curricular initiatives, general education and the majors, within professional schools, and on-campus and off-campus experiences. She also works closely with institutions to implement high impact practices with an emphasis on quality and equitable participation. Whitehead has presented nationally and internationally on global learning, civic engagement, community based global learning, curricular change, experiential learning, global health, liberal education, and strategic planning. She has also written articles on these topics and facilitated grant-funded projects to advance student success through curricular change. Prior to her work at AAC&U, Whitehead served as the Director for Curriculum Internationalization, as a faculty director for global service learning programs in Costa Rica, Ghana, Kenya, and the Kingdom of Swaziland and taught Global and International Studies courses at Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis. Whitehead earned her Ph.D. at Indiana University Bloomington in Education Policy Studies with a doctoral minor in International and Comparative Education and a concentration in African Studies. Cherie Woolmer, PhDAssistant Professor and Canada Research Chair (SoTL)Academic Development CentreMt. Royal UniversityCanada Dr. Cherie Woolmer (PhD Education, University of Glasgow, Scotland) is Assistant Professor and Canada Research Chair (SoTL) at Mount Royal University, Alberta, Canada. Her research and practice focuses on student-faculty partnerships in higher education and is informed by critical pedagogy, socio-cultural approaches to change, and the impact of pedagogical partnerships on institutional culture. She was previously a Postdoctoral Fellow at McMaster University, where she co-facilitated a large Student Partners Program and the International Students as Partners Institute, and was Editorial Manager for the International Journal for Students as Partners. She has co-authored numerous articles and book chapters with faculty and students, has guest edited a Special Issue of Teaching and Learning Together in Higher Education (Exploring Dimensions of Risk in Pedagogical Partnerships) and has a growing interest in multi-modal platforms for publishing SoTL. She is an inaugural Fellow (2019) of the International Society for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL) and an executive member of SoTL Canada (Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education). Learn more about the Editorial Board’s work with the series.