HomeBlogRelationships Relational Supports and Peer Mentoring for Under-Represented Studentsby Jessie L. MooreMarch 9, 2023 Share: Section NavigationSkip section navigationIn this sectionPodcasts – Home 60-Second SoTL Limed: Teaching with a Twist Making College “Worth It” Land Acknowledgement 60-Second SoTL – Episode 24 This week’s episode features an open-access article from the Journal of Further and Higher Education and examines how relational supports and peer mentors can improve access to university for students from marginalized communities: McNally, Sinéad, Paul Downes, Laura O’Halloran, Gráinne Kent, and Sandra O’Neill. 2022 “‘The Whole World was Lifted Off Me’: The Importance of Relational Supports and Peer Mentoring for Under-Represented Students Accessing University in Ireland.” Journal of Further and Higher Education 46 (10): 1319-1333. https://doi.org/10.1080/0309877X.2022.2075718 View a transcript of this episode. The episode was hosted by Jessie L. Moore, Director of the Center for Engaged Learning and Professor of Professional Writing & Rhetoric. 60-Second SoTL is produced by the Center for Engaged Learning at Elon University. Explore the Center’s Other Resources on Relationships and Mentoring in Higher Education “What Works” When Building Educational Relationships? As we noted in our previous post in this two-part analysis (Puckett and Felten 2024), student-faculty and student-student relationships contribute significantly to learning, motivation, identity development, well-being, and graduation rates in higher education (Felten and Lambert 2020). The positive effects… Mentoring in a Constellation: Supervisors and Mentors of Student Employees In our 2020 institutional survey on mentoring, fourth-year students identified on-campus student employment as the fifth most common experience that prepared them to connect with potential mentors. Supervisors of student employees offer a dynamic example of meaningful relationships that can… What’s in an Undergraduate Research Space? This semester, we have found ourselves thinking about the importance of research spaces for undergraduate research mentoring and research productivity. Dr. Thurman recently returned from a post-promotion sabbatical and rebuilt the infrastructure for her lab. Her psychology research program centers… Metacognitive Intervention and Student Success 60-Second SoTL – Episode 56 This week’s episode focuses on a metacognitive intervention for first-year students on academic probation and features an open access article from Teaching & Learning Inquiry: Swanson, Holly J., and Bryan Dewsbury. 2024. “The Impact of a Metacognitive… Conceptualizing Mentoring Constellations in Study Abroad: Mentors’ Perspectives Recently I had the opportunity to think about mentoring in the context of a semester study abroad program with undergraduate research (UR) mentors working with DIS, Study Abroad in Scandinavia. Before talking with the mentors, I had asked their students… Help!: When Problems Arise in Mentoring Relationships Just like any other relationship, differences in opinions, values, and desires can lead to problems in mentoring as the relationship advances. Problems in mentoring might lead to superficial interactions, below-average engagement, unmet expectations, and difficulty relating to one another (Eby… 1 2 … 9 10 >