HomeBlogRelationships Relational Supports and Peer Mentoring for Under-Represented Studentsby Jessie L. MooreMarch 9, 2023 Share: Section NavigationSkip section navigationIn this sectionPodcasts – Home 60-Second SoTL Limed: Teaching with a Twist Making College “Worth It” Land Acknowledgement 60-Second SoTL – Episode 24 This week’s episode features an open-access article from the Journal of Further and Higher Education and examines how relational supports and peer mentors can improve access to university for students from marginalized communities: McNally, Sinéad, Paul Downes, Laura O’Halloran, Gráinne Kent, and Sandra O’Neill. 2022 “‘The Whole World was Lifted Off Me’: The Importance of Relational Supports and Peer Mentoring for Under-Represented Students Accessing University in Ireland.” Journal of Further and Higher Education 46 (10): 1319-1333. https://doi.org/10.1080/0309877X.2022.2075718 View a transcript of this episode. The episode was hosted by Jessie L. Moore, Director of the Center for Engaged Learning and Professor of Professional Writing & Rhetoric. 60-Second SoTL is produced by the Center for Engaged Learning at Elon University. Explore the Center’s Other Resources on Relationships and Mentoring in Higher Education Academic Play: The Power of Mentoring If Einstein says play is the highest form of research, I like to think undergraduate research is one of the purist forms of academic play. I thoroughly enjoy the sandboxes, obstacle courses, and playgrounds I have gotten to engage in… Mentoring Magic: Mentored Undergraduate Research in Global Contexts Making College “Worth It” – Season 2, Episode 1 Dawn Whitehead and Maureen Vandermaas-Peeler, two of the co-editors of Mentored Undergraduate Research in Global Contexts: Integrated High-Impact Practices for Student Success, join our podcast to talk about the intersection of… Mapping Mentoring Relationships and Constellations As we explored in a previous post, if we take mentoring relationships seriously, as recent mentoring scholarship compels us to, our orientation shifts. It calls on us to understand mentors and mentoring – those sets of meaningful relationships – within… Taking (Mentoring) Relationships Seriously As we have earlier explored, recent mentoring scholarship argues that our definitions of mentoring should move away from role-based orientations towards a relational-orientation that defines mentoring “in terms of the character and quality of the relationship and in terms of… Defining Mentoring: Towards Mentoring Constellations As scholarship on mentoring moved away from roles and actions towards processes and relationship development, definitions of mentoring have developed greater commonality not only around a shared focus on relationships, but also a shared focus on the general functions and… Defining Mentoring and/as Mentoring Relationships If mentoring matters, what is meant by mentoring, and what does high-quality mentoring entail? Despite over four decades of research on mentoring, there is no universally accepted definition (Mullen and Klimaitis 2021). Ubiquitous use of the term has not only… 1 2 … 7 8 >