A student, viewed from behind, sits at a laptop with a pen in hand and wearing headphones. Text overlays read, "CEL Podcasts. 60-Second SoTL. Metacognitive Intervention and Student Success."

Metacognitive Intervention and Student Success

60-Second SoTL – Episode 56 This week’s episode focuses on a metacognitive intervention for first-year students on academic probation and features an open access article from Teaching & Learning Inquiry: Swanson, Holly J., and Bryan Dewsbury. 2024. “The Impact of a Metacognitive…

A laptop screen displays a Zoom meeting with over 20 participants. Overlays read, "CEL Podcasts. 60-Second SoTL. Online Students and the First-Year Experience."

Online Students and the First-Year Experience

60-Second SoTL – Episode 55 This week’s episode focuses on the first-year experiences of college students studying online and features an article from Adult Learning: Korstange, Ryan, Jeff Hall, Jamie Holcomb, and Jasmeial Jackson. 2020. “The Online First-Year Experience: Defining and…

Five students sit in tiered seating in a classroom. Overlays read, "CEL Podcasts. 60-Second SoTL. International Students and the First-Year Experience."

International Students and the First-Year Experience

60-Second SoTL – Episode 54 This week’s episode focuses on the impact of first-year experiences on international students’ retention and graduation rates: Rust, Dylan, and Raghvendra Singh. 2022. “First-Year Experience Course Impact on Undergraduate International Student Retention and Graduation.” Journal of…

Two women sit on a couch looking at a laptop that one is holding; the second woman holds a notebook and pen. Overlays read, "CEL Podcasts. 60-Second SoTL. Mentoring Across the First-Year Experience."

Mentoring Across the First-Year Experience

60-Second SoTL – Episode 52 This week’s episode explores a recent article about the value of peer-mentorship programs for first-year university students: Tsang, Art. 2023. “The Value of a Semi-Formal Peer Mentorship Program for First-Year Students’ Studies, Socialization and Adaptation.” Active Learning…

A person stands with their arms outstretched, facing a rising sun. Overlays read, "CEL Podcasts. 60-Second SoTL. Defining Success in a First-Year Seminar."

Defining Success in a First-Year Seminar

60-Second SoTL – Episode 51 This week’s episode focuses on a study of first-year seminars’ impact on common measures of student success in higher education: Shi, Qingmin, John R Crooker, Christina R Drum, and Brent M Drake. 2021. “Investigation of the…

Image of post-secondary students sitting at desks in rows, looking towards several chalkboards with mathematic equations. Overlays read, "CEL Podcasts. 60-Second SoTL. Significant Benefits of the First-Year Experience."

Significant Benefits of the First-Year Experience

60-Second SoTL – Episode 50 This week’s episode focuses on an open-access article about beneficial outcomes of first-year seminars: Das, Rajeeb, Erika Schmitt, and Michael T. Stephenson. 2024. “A Quasiexperimental Analysis of First-Year Seminar Outcomes at a Large University.” Journal of…

Image of a geometric pattern. Overlays read, "CEL Podcasts. 60-Second SoTL. Incorporating Multiple Dimensions in the First-Year Experience."

Incorporating Multiple Dimensions in the First-Year Experience

60-Second SoTL – Episode 49 This episode features on open-access article on service-learning and leadership development in first-year seminars: Krsmanovic, Masha. 2022. “Fostering Service-Learning and Leadership Development through First-Year Seminar Courses.” Journal of Service-Learning in Higher Education 15: 54–70. View a…

Viewed from behind, people sitting in rows of chairs are looking ahead at a presenter. A presentation screen is to the right of the presenter. Overlays read, "CEL Podcasts. 60-Second SoTL. What is a First-Year Experience?"

What is a First-Year Experience?

60-Second SoTL – Episode 48 This episode highlights two articles that explore first-year experiences and what makes them high-impact: Barefoot, Betsy O. 2000. “The First-Year Experience: Are We Making It Any Better?” About Campus 4 (6): 12–18. https://doi.org/10.1177/108648220000400604.  Kuh, George, Ken…

Someone types on a laptop keyboard. Only their hands are visible. Pens and a mug are to the left of the laptop. Overlays read, "CEL Podcast. 60-Second SoTL. Measuring What Learners Do with Feedback."

Measuring What Learners Do With Feedback

60-Second SoTL – Episode 47 This episode shares an open-access article from Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education and explores how to measure feedback literacy in higher education: Dawson, Phillip, Zi Yan, Anastasiya Lipnevich, Joanna Tai, David Boud, and Paige Mahoney. 2023. “Measuring What Learners Do in Feedback: The Feedback Literacy Behaviour Scale.” Assessment…