stopwatch icon with show title, "60-Second SoTL"

Inspired by Scientific American’s “60-second” podcasts, 60-Second SoTL shares snapshots of recent scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). Each brief, 1- to 4-minute episode offers a quick annotation of one or two recent SoTL publications. Show notes link to the article or chapter and, when applicable, related scholarship.

Browse episodes and show notes below, or subscribe on your preferred podcast app. The Center releases new episodes most Thursdays.

Do you have a recent SoTL publication, or have you read one that resonated with you? Propose a publication you’d like to hear us feature. 60-Second SoTL was created by Jessie L. Moore and is produced by the Center for Engaged Learning at Elon University.

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A student, viewed from behind, sits at a laptop with a pen in hand and wearing headphones. Text overlays read, "CEL Podcasts. 60-Second SoTL. Metacognitive Intervention and Student Success."

Metacognitive Intervention and Student Success

60-Second SoTL – Episode 56 This week’s episode focuses on a metacognitive intervention for first-year students on academic probation and features an open access article from Teaching & Learning Inquiry: Swanson, Holly J., and Bryan Dewsbury. 2024. “The Impact of a Metacognitive…

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Show Credits

Jessie L. Moore, PhD, hosts and produces 60-Second SoTL. Jessie is director of the Center for Engaged Learning and professor of English: Professional Writing & Rhetoric. She is the author of Key Practices for Fostering Engaged Learning: A Guide for Faculty and Staff and co-editor of five edited collections on engaged learning topics. In addition to coordinating the Center’s research seminars, Jessie produces the Center’s videos and other web resources and co-edits two book series: the Stylus Publishing/Center for Engaged Learning Series on Engaged Learning and Teaching and the Center for Engaged Learning Open Access Book Series. Jessie’s professional service to the scholarship of teaching and learning was recognized with the 2019 International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL) Distinguished Service Award. In 2021, Jessie received Elon University’s Distinguished Scholar Award.

Show art was created by Jennie Goforth, managing editor for the Center for Engaged Learning.

Browse All Episodes

A student, viewed from behind, sits at a laptop with a pen in hand and wearing headphones. Text overlays read, "CEL Podcasts. 60-Second SoTL. Metacognitive Intervention and Student Success."

Metacognitive Intervention and Student Success

60-Second SoTL – Episode 56 This week’s episode focuses on a metacognitive intervention for first-year students on academic probation and features an open access article from Teaching & Learning Inquiry: Swanson, Holly J., and Bryan Dewsbury. 2024. “The Impact of a Metacognitive…

A laptop screen displays a Zoom meeting with over 20 participants. Overlays read, "CEL Podcasts. 60-Second SoTL. Online Students and the First-Year Experience."

Online Students and the First-Year Experience

60-Second SoTL – Episode 55 This week’s episode focuses on the first-year experiences of college students studying online and features an article from Adult Learning: Korstange, Ryan, Jeff Hall, Jamie Holcomb, and Jasmeial Jackson. 2020. “The Online First-Year Experience: Defining and…

Five students sit in tiered seating in a classroom. Overlays read, "CEL Podcasts. 60-Second SoTL. International Students and the First-Year Experience."

International Students and the First-Year Experience

60-Second SoTL – Episode 54 This week’s episode focuses on the impact of first-year experiences on international students’ retention and graduation rates: Rust, Dylan, and Raghvendra Singh. 2022. “First-Year Experience Course Impact on Undergraduate International Student Retention and Graduation.” Journal of…

Viewed from behind, people in brightly colored jackets stand side-by-side, with the arms linked behind their backs. Overlays read, "CEL Podcasts. 60-Second SoTL. Historically Marginalized Students and the First-Year Experience."

Historically Marginalized Students and the First-Year Experience

60-Second SoTL – Episode 53 This week’s episode explores a recent article about sense of community in first-year seminars: Metzger, Kelsey J., Jake Wright, Robert M. Erdmann, Bronson Lemer, and Rachel L. Olson. 2022. “Mileage May Vary: How Sense of Community…

Two women sit on a couch looking at a laptop that one is holding; the second woman holds a notebook and pen. Overlays read, "CEL Podcasts. 60-Second SoTL. Mentoring Across the First-Year Experience."

Mentoring Across the First-Year Experience

60-Second SoTL – Episode 52 This week’s episode explores a recent article about the value of peer-mentorship programs for first-year university students: Tsang, Art. 2023. “The Value of a Semi-Formal Peer Mentorship Program for First-Year Students’ Studies, Socialization and Adaptation.” Active Learning…

A person stands with their arms outstretched, facing a rising sun. Overlays read, "CEL Podcasts. 60-Second SoTL. Defining Success in a First-Year Seminar."

Defining Success in a First-Year Seminar

60-Second SoTL – Episode 51 This week’s episode focuses on a study of first-year seminars’ impact on common measures of student success in higher education: Shi, Qingmin, John R Crooker, Christina R Drum, and Brent M Drake. 2021. “Investigation of the…

Image of post-secondary students sitting at desks in rows, looking towards several chalkboards with mathematic equations. Overlays read, "CEL Podcasts. 60-Second SoTL. Significant Benefits of the First-Year Experience."

Significant Benefits of the First-Year Experience

60-Second SoTL – Episode 50 This week’s episode focuses on an open-access article about beneficial outcomes of first-year seminars: Das, Rajeeb, Erika Schmitt, and Michael T. Stephenson. 2024. “A Quasiexperimental Analysis of First-Year Seminar Outcomes at a Large University.” Journal of…

Image of a geometric pattern. Overlays read, "CEL Podcasts. 60-Second SoTL. Incorporating Multiple Dimensions in the First-Year Experience."

Incorporating Multiple Dimensions in the First-Year Experience

60-Second SoTL – Episode 49 This episode features on open-access article on service-learning and leadership development in first-year seminars: Krsmanovic, Masha. 2022. “Fostering Service-Learning and Leadership Development through First-Year Seminar Courses.” Journal of Service-Learning in Higher Education 15: 54–70. View a…

Viewed from behind, people sitting in rows of chairs are looking ahead at a presenter. A presentation screen is to the right of the presenter. Overlays read, "CEL Podcasts. 60-Second SoTL. What is a First-Year Experience?"

What is a First-Year Experience?

60-Second SoTL – Episode 48 This episode highlights two articles that explore first-year experiences and what makes them high-impact: Barefoot, Betsy O. 2000. “The First-Year Experience: Are We Making It Any Better?” About Campus 4 (6): 12–18.  Kuh, George, Ken…

Someone types on a laptop keyboard. Only their hands are visible. Pens and a mug are to the left of the laptop. Overlays read, "CEL Podcast. 60-Second SoTL. Measuring What Learners Do with Feedback."

Measuring What Learners Do With Feedback

60-Second SoTL – Episode 47 This episode shares an open-access article from Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education and explores how to measure feedback literacy in higher education: Dawson, Phillip, Zi Yan, Anastasiya Lipnevich, Joanna Tai, David Boud, and Paige Mahoney. 2023. “Measuring What Learners Do in Feedback: The Feedback Literacy Behaviour Scale.” Assessment…