60-Second SoTL – Episode 23

This week’s episode, hosted by Aly Weaver, is a continuation of the blog post “Barriers to HURMS’ Study Abroad Engagement.” Specifically, this episode explores an example of a study abroad program that successfully promoted engagement by historically underrepresented minority students (HURMS) and how to utilize Universal Design to make study abroad more accessible. The episode highlights two publications:

  • Johnstone, Christopher, and Paul Edwards. 2020. “Accommodations, Accessibility, and Culture: Increasing Access to Study Abroad for Students with Disabilities.” Journal of Studies in International Education. 24 (4): 424-439. https://doi.org/10.1177/1028315319842344
  • Smith, D. E., M. O. Smith, K. R. Robbins, N. S. Eash, and F. R. Walker. 2013. “Traditionally Under-Represented Students’ Perceptions of a Study Abroad Experience.” NACTA Journal 57 (3a): 15–20. http://www.jstor.org/stable/nactajournal.57.3a.15

View a transcript of this episode.

60-Second SoTL is produced by the Center for Engaged Learning at Elon University.

About this Episode’s Host

Aly Weaver is a first-year graduate student in Elon University’s Masters of Higher Education program. During her undergraduate career, Aly completed a semester study abroad in Chile and worked for three years as a study abroad and international student adviser. She is passionate about global education, transformative experiences, and breaking down barriers so all students can access high-impact practices.

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