HomeBlogPodcasts Feedback Encountersby Jessie L. MooreNovember 17, 2022 Share: Section NavigationSkip section navigationIn this sectionPodcasts – Home 60-Second SoTL Limed: Teaching with a Twist Making College “Worth It” Land Acknowledgement 60-Second SoTL – Episode 12 This week’s episode features an open-access article from Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education and explores feedback encounters as a framework for studying feedback processes: Jensen, Lasse X., Margaret Bearman, and David Boud. 2022. “Feedback Encounters: Towards a Framework for Analysing and Understanding Feedback Processes.” Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/07294360.2022.2139359 View a transcript of this episode. The episode was hosted by Jessie L. Moore, Director of the Center for Engaged Learning and Professor of Professional Writing & Rhetoric. 60-Second SoTL is produced by the Center for Engaged Learning at Elon University. Read More About Feedback Boud, David, and Elizabeth Molloy. 2013. “Rethinking Models of Feedback for Learning: The Challenge of Design.” Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 38 (6): 698–712. https://doi.org/10.1080/02602938.2012.691462. Carless, David, and David Boud. 2018. “The Development of Student Feedback Literacy: Enabling Uptake of Feedback.” Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 43 (8): 1315–1325. https://doi.org/10.1080/02602938.2018.1463354. [Open Access]Dawson, Phillip, Michael Henderson, Paige Mahoney, Michael Phillips, Tracii Ryan, David Boud, and Elizabeth Molloy. 2019. “What Makes for Effective Feedback: Staff and Student Perspectives.” Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education 44 (1): 25–36. https://doi.org/10.1080/02602938.2018.1467877 [Open Access]Eli Review. n.d. “Feedback and Improvement: Becoming a Better Writer by Helping Other Writers.” https://elireview.com/content/students/feedback [Open Access]Eli Review. n.d. “The Pedagogy: Feedback and Revision.” https://elireview.com/learn/pedagogy/ [Open Access]Esterhazy, Rachelle. 2018. “What Matters for Productive Feedback? Disciplinary Practices and Their Relational Dynamics.” Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 43 (8): 1302–1314. https://doi.org/10.1080/02602938.2018.1463353. Esterhazy, Rachelle, and Crina Damşa. 2019. “Unpacking the Feedback Process: An Analysis of Undergraduate Students’ Interactional Meaning-Making of Feedback Comments.” Studies in Higher Education 44 (2): 260–274. https://doi.org/10.1080/03075079.2017.1359249. Henderson, Michael, Tracii Ryan, and Michael Phillips. 2019. “The Challenges of Feedback in Higher Education.” Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 44 (8): 1237–1252. https://doi.org/10.1080/02602938.2019.1599815. Joughin, Gordon, David Boud, Phillip Dawson, and Joanna Tai. 2021. “What Can Higher Education Learn from Feedback Seeking Behaviour in Organisations? Implications for Feedback Literacy.” Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 46 (1): 80–12. https://doi.org/10.1080/02602938.2020.1733491. Nicol, David. 2021. “The Power of Internal Feedback: Exploiting Natural Comparison Processes.” Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 46 (5): 756–723. https://doi.org/10.1080/02602938.2020.1823314. [Open Access]Winstone, Naomi E., David Boud, Phillip Dawson, and Marion Heron. 2022. “From Feedback-as-Information to Feedback-as-Process: A Linguistic Analysis of the Feedback Literature.” Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 47 (2): 213–218. https://doi.org/10.1080/02602938.2021.1902467. Winstone, Naomi E., and David Carless. 2019. Designing Effective Feedback Processes in Higher Education: A Learning-Focused Approach. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. Read More About Feedback on the Center’s Blog Analyzing an Artificial Intelligence-Supported Assessment and Student Feedback In my prior blog post, I summarized lessons learned from piloting an artificial intelligence-supported assessment (AI-SA) and gathering student feedback. 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