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ISBN: 978-1-951414-00-9

December 2019

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ISBN: 978-1-951414-01-6

December 2019 (Temporarily Unavailable)

In chapter 3 of Pedagogical Partnerships: A How-To Guide for Faculty, Students, and Academic Developers in Higher Education, we pose the question of what descriptions of partnership opportunities and positions might include. In this resource we include the descriptions used in the SaLT program and the Tigers as Partners program at Trinity University.

SaLT Program Student Consultants

In student-faculty pedagogical partnerships, student consultants work up to seven hours per week in the paid role of pedagogical partner to a faculty member. Through this partnership, consultants analyze, affirm, and, as appropriate, support the revision of classroom practice in the context of one of the faculty partner’s courses with the goal of maximizing engagement and learning for all involved. Student and faculty partnerships take a range of approaches to their collaboration, starting with a focus on classroom practice and often expanding to consider curriculum, assessment, and other dimensions of pedagogy.

Qualifications of Student Consultants

  • be a Bryn Mawr or Haverford student
  • be a sophomore, junior, senior, post-bac, or McBride
  • have taken at least one education course in the Bi-Co or have had experience in an educational role, such as through PLI or the Writing Center or as a Peer Tutor or a Hall Advisor, in which the student critically considered and discussed issues in learning and teaching
  • be willing to commit to and follow through on the responsibilities inherent in the role (see list below), communicate with honesty and courtesy, reflect on this work using the means provided, uphold the privacy of the faculty partner, and keep strictly confidential what is discussed between the consultant and faculty partner and at meetings.

Responsibilities of Student Consultants

  • attend and participate in weekly, semi-structured, one-hour discussions focused on what is happening in the faculty partner’s classrooms and how to support faculty exploration, affirmation, and revision of pedagogical practices
  • visit the faculty partner’s class once each week and take detailed observation notes focused on pedagogical issues identified by the faculty partner
  • type up observation notes each week and deliver them to the faculty partner in a timely manner
  • meet weekly with the faculty partner
  • offer mid-semester and end-of-semester feedback

Application Process

  1. Contact Alison Cook-Sather ( to express interest and request a copy of the Guidelines for Student Consultants.
  2. Read carefully the Guidelines for Student Consultants to ensure that you are prepared for the responsibilities of the role.
  3. Secure two recommendations: one from a student and one from a member of the Bryn Mawr or Haverford faculty, staff, or administration who can comment on your capacities to analyze pedagogical issues and to communicate respectfully and effectively. Have your recommenders send the Director of the TLI a very brief but substantive recommendation (it can be in an email message or a phone call) explaining why you would an effective consultant. They may use the following guidelines: Please comment briefly on your sense of this student’s capacity to (1) discern and analyze pedagogical issues, (2) communicate respectively and effectively, and (3) work with faculty members not only to identify pedagogical issues but also to brainstorm strategies for addressing those.

Send a completed Application Form and a signed Letter of Commitment to the Director of the TLI, Alison Cook-Sather, Education Program, Bettws y Coed,

Tigers as Partners Student Consultants

The Collaborative for Learning and Teaching is looking for up to six (6) undergraduate students to work as TaP consultants for Trinity Faculty.

Pay Rate:  $10 per Hour

Job Description: TaP student consultants will draw on their unique perspective as students and learn to communicate that expertise to faculty. They will attend a 3hr training before the start of classes (on January 10th); partner with a Trinity professor for a full semester; attend one class period of one of the professor’s courses per week; take observation notes; meet with the professor once per week to discuss those notes; attend a weekly group meeting of student consultants; support the professor in collecting student feedback; and generally offer a student perspective on the classroom. TaP consultants will also be expected to provide feedback on the program itself twice over the course of the semester. Expected time commitment is 4-6 hrs per week.

Strong communication skills (especially listening) and an interest in college education is required. Familiarity with Google Drive, knowledge about Trinity University, empathy, friendliness, and an interest in understanding alternative perspectives is desirable. No formal background in the field of education is necessary. This position is open to current sophomores and above.

Required for job application submission:

Your application [which was available on Google forms] and 2.) one faculty reference (submitted via the form). All materials must be submitted by 5pm Monday, December 5, 2016.

Applications will be reviewed immediately, and interviews will be arranged December 7–9. If you have any questions, please contact Sophia Abbot at the Collaborative for Learning and Teaching.