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ISBN: 978-1-951414-00-9

December 2019

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ISBN: 978-1-951414-01-6

December 2019 (Temporarily Unavailable)

This chapter of Pedagogical Partnerships focuses on how a pedagogical partnership program might fit into the larger institution (e.g., in relation to reporting, other programs, and promotion and tenure) and why it is important to consider these questions. It also includes discussions of how to conceptualize student and faculty partners’ work and what to call both the program and participants in it, all questions that will affect how the program is perceived and embraced by those on campus and beyond. The chapter offers recommendations for how to get a program started, including how to integrate student partners from the beginning, options for compensation, developing position descriptions and application processes, and what [temporary] positions, such as post-baccalaureate fellow, can be created to help launch or develop a partnership program. Finally, the chapter addresses how program directors, faculty, and student partners can plan for sustainability.

Discussion Questions

Once you have considered why you might develop a pedagogical partnership program (chapter 1) and generated responses to questions regarding the kind of program that makes sense in your context (chapter 2), you will need to shift your focus to how to structure and sustain your program.

Might you convene groups of campus stakeholders, including students, and ask them:

  • How will a pedagogical partnership program fit into the larger institution (e.g., in relation to reporting, other programs, and promotion and tenure)?
  • Where should it be located?
  • How should you compensate student and faculty partners’ work?

What will you call your program and its participants?

These are among the most important decisions you will make, since names matter for what they convey both within and beyond your institution.

  • What kinds of campus-wide and more focused discussions might you have in which you invite stakeholders to discuss what might you call what you want to do?
  • Considering the names of other programs and partners, which terms resonate for you and your campus, which do not, and why?

What plans can you make to launch and to sustain a partnership program?

It is important to take careful, deliberate steps in planning and launching a pedagogical partnership program, both to establish a stable foundation and to ensure that you can build on that foundation going forward.