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ISBN: 9781642670578

March 2020

A combination of institutional and individual factors matter in making choices to pursue study away. A holistic approach to global learning including both classroom and co-curricular opportunities is superior to efforts only to increase study abroad numbers. These holistic approaches can benefit both students who do study abroad and those who do not.

Discussion Questions

  1. After considering all of the global learning and study abroad/study away programs, courses, offices, experiences. and options at your university, what patterns or gaps exist in your offerings? How might they be addressed?
  2. Does your university advocate for an articulated sequence in global learning experiences throughout a student’s undergraduate curriculum? If not, does your university engage in discussions about the various pathways to becoming a life-long global learner? How might you encourage both?
  3. Have you linked participation in study abroad and global learning to student performance metrics such as retention, time to graduation, and GPA? If so, do you see any patterns for your university?