60-Second SoTL – Episode 14

This week’s episode features an article from the Journal on Excellence in College Teaching and explores how faculty and staff support learning and development when they mentor undergraduate research in global contexts:

Cruz, Laura, Maureen Vandermaas-Peeler, Amy L. Allocco, and Kate Patch. (2022). “Mentoring Undergraduate Research in Global Contexts: Insights From a National Study.” Journal on Excellence in College Teaching 33 (4): 21-35.

The study stems from a collaboration among the American Association of Colleges & Universities, the Forum on Education Abroad, and Elon University’s Center for Research on Global Engagement.

View a transcript of this episode.

The episode was hosted by Jessie L. Moore, Director of the Center for Engaged Learning and Professor of Professional Writing & Rhetoric. 60-Second SoTL is produced by the Center for Engaged Learning at Elon University.

Read More about Mentoring Undergraduate Research in Global Contexts

Explore the Center’s Resources on Mentoring

Salient Practices

Following an extensive review of the literature on mentoring undergraduate research, ten salient practices emerged which support effective mentoring of undergraduate researchers. These practices can be used to develop a mentoring pedagogy of high quality.

A toy construction vehicle in a sandbox. Text overlay reads, "If Einstein says play is the highest form of research, I like to think undergraduate research is one of the purist forms of academic play. I thoroughly enjoy the sandboxes, obstacle courses and playgrounds I have gotten to engage in with students and colleagues over my career. I often think, how did I get so lucky?"

Academic Play: The Power of Mentoring

If Einstein says play is the highest form of research, I like to think undergraduate research is one of the purist forms of academic play. I thoroughly enjoy the sandboxes, obstacle courses, and playgrounds I have gotten to engage in…

Students stand on top of a mud hut in Ghana, learning from a local community member. Text overlays read, "CEL Podcasts. Making College Worth It. Mentoring Magic: Mentored Undergraduate Research in Global Contexts."

Mentoring Magic: Mentored Undergraduate Research in Global Contexts 

Making College “Worth It” – Season 2, Episode 1 Dawn Whitehead and Maureen Vandermaas-Peeler, two of the co-editors of Mentored Undergraduate Research in Global Contexts: Integrated High-Impact Practices for Student Success, join our podcast to talk about the intersection of…

Image of Relationship-Rich Mentoring Map, illustrating the importance of supportive context and other meaningful relationships to foster mentoring relationships. Text overlay reads, "Mentoring Matters: Defining Mentoring Relationships."

Mapping Mentoring Relationships and Constellations

As we explored in a previous post, if we take mentoring relationships seriously, as recent mentoring scholarship compels us to, our orientation shifts. It calls on us to understand mentors and mentoring – those sets of meaningful relationships – within…

Three people sit at a table, talking while looking over documents by a computer. An overlay reads, "Elon University Center for Engaged Learning. Mentoring Matters. Defining Mentoring Relationships."

Taking (Mentoring) Relationships Seriously

As we have earlier explored, recent mentoring scholarship argues that our definitions of mentoring should move away from role-based orientations towards a relational-orientation that defines mentoring “in terms of the character and quality of the relationship and in terms of…

Three people sit at a table, talking while looking over documents by a computer. An overlay reads, "Elon University Center for Engaged Learning. Mentoring Matters. Defining Mentoring Relationships."

Defining Mentoring: Towards Mentoring Constellations

As scholarship on mentoring moved away from roles and actions towards processes and relationship development, definitions of mentoring have developed greater commonality not only around a shared focus on relationships, but also a shared focus on the general functions and…

Three people sit at a table, talking while looking over documents by a computer. An overlay reads, "Elon University Center for Engaged Learning. Mentoring Matters. Defining Mentoring Relationships."

Defining Mentoring and/as Mentoring Relationships

If mentoring matters, what is meant by mentoring, and what does high-quality mentoring entail? Despite over four decades of research on mentoring, there is no universally accepted definition (Mullen and Klimaitis 2021). Ubiquitous use of the term has not only…

Browse all blog posts on mentoring

Explore the Center’s Resources on Global Learning

Elon Statement on Integrating Global Learning with the University Experience

Higher-Impact Study Abroad and Off-Campus Domestic Study Download a Printer-Friendly (PDF) Copy of the Elon Statement on Global Learning From 2015 to 2017, 25 scholars participated in the Center for Engaged Learning research seminar on Integrating Global Learning with the University Experience:…

Students stand on top of a mud hut in Ghana, learning from a local community member. Text overlays read, "CEL Podcasts. Making College Worth It. Mentoring Magic: Mentored Undergraduate Research in Global Contexts."

Mentoring Magic: Mentored Undergraduate Research in Global Contexts 

Making College “Worth It” – Season 2, Episode 1 Dawn Whitehead and Maureen Vandermaas-Peeler, two of the co-editors of Mentored Undergraduate Research in Global Contexts: Integrated High-Impact Practices for Student Success, join our podcast to talk about the intersection of…

Cartoon image of two people speaking in a city street with each of their speech bubbles reflecting a different language. An overlay reads, "If learners can navigate while abroad without learning the language, I worry that they will miss opportunities to learn about the culture in a way needed for intercultural understanding."

Using Generative AI to Support Global Learning Could Leave Cultural Lessons Lost in Translation

I feel a little silly, but also proud to say that I was able to, at least minimally, keep my language learning streak alive while I took a vacation to Europe last month. Since the throes of COVID, I’ve been…

Picture of Elon student dancers with the following text overlayed: "Fire (2) Toolkit: Facilitating Integration and Reflection of the Elon Experiences." The bottom of the image features the logo for Elon University and the Center for Engaged Learning.

Facilitating Integration of and Reflection on Engaged and Experiential Learning

Since 2019, I’ve been working with my colleague Paul Miller to create an institutional toolkit for fostering both students’ self-reflection and their mentoring conversations with peers, staff, and faculty in order to deepen students’ educational experiences. Our institution, Elon University,…

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Crossing Borders at Home

Making College “Worth It” – Season 1, Episode 10 In this episode, we visit with Amanda Sturgill, Associate Professor of Journalism at Elon University, who co-edited Mind the Gap: Global Learning at Home and Abroad. She shares strategies for facilitating global…

A group of students and a local community partner stand in front of a thatch-roofed building, pointing and looking at something out of frame to the left. Overlays read, "60-Second SoTL. Mentoring Undergraduate Research in global Contexts."

Mentoring Undergraduate Research in Global Contexts

60-Second SoTL – Episode 45 This week’s episode shares an open-access article from New Directions in Teaching and Learning and examines how U.S.-based colleges and universities support mentoring of undergraduate research in global contexts: Cruz, Laura, Maureen Vandermaas-Peeler, Eric E. Hall, Amy L….

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Breaking Barriers and Advancing HURMS’ Study Abroad Engagement

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