stopwatch icon with show title, "60-Second SoTL"

Inspired by Scientific American’s “60-second” podcasts, 60-Second SoTL shares snapshots of recent scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). Each brief, 1- to 4-minute episode offers a quick annotation of one or two recent SoTL publications. Show notes link to the article or chapter and, when applicable, related scholarship.

Browse episodes and show notes below, or subscribe on your preferred podcast app. The Center releases new episodes most Thursdays.

Do you have a recent SoTL publication, or have you read one that resonated with you? Propose a publication you’d like to hear us feature. 60-Second SoTL was created by Jessie L. Moore and is produced by the Center for Engaged Learning at Elon University.

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A student, viewed from behind, sits at a laptop with a pen in hand and wearing headphones. Text overlays read, "CEL Podcasts. 60-Second SoTL. Metacognitive Intervention and Student Success."

Metacognitive Intervention and Student Success

60-Second SoTL – Episode 56 This week’s episode focuses on a metacognitive intervention for first-year students on academic probation and features an open access article from Teaching & Learning Inquiry: Swanson, Holly J., and Bryan Dewsbury. 2024. “The Impact of a Metacognitive…

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Show Credits

Jessie L. Moore, PhD, hosts and produces 60-Second SoTL. Jessie is director of the Center for Engaged Learning and professor of English: Professional Writing & Rhetoric. She is the author of Key Practices for Fostering Engaged Learning: A Guide for Faculty and Staff and co-editor of five edited collections on engaged learning topics. In addition to coordinating the Center’s research seminars, Jessie produces the Center’s videos and other web resources and co-edits two book series: the Stylus Publishing/Center for Engaged Learning Series on Engaged Learning and Teaching and the Center for Engaged Learning Open Access Book Series. Jessie’s professional service to the scholarship of teaching and learning was recognized with the 2019 International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL) Distinguished Service Award. In 2021, Jessie received Elon University’s Distinguished Scholar Award.

Show art was created by Jennie Goforth, managing editor for the Center for Engaged Learning.

Browse All Episodes

Two people sit at the corner of a table looking together at a notebook. One person points to something on the page. In the background, two other people talk in front of a white board. Overlays read, "CEL Podcasts. 60-Second SoTL. Using Scenarios to Explore Student Faculty Partnership."

Using Scenarios to Explore Student-Faculty Partnership

60-Second SoTL – Episode 46 This episode shares an article from the open-access journal, Teaching & Learning Inquiry, and explores how role-play scenarios facilitate reflection on the complexities of student-faculty partnership: Woolmer, Cherie, Nattalia Godbold, Isabel Treanor, Natalie McCray, Ketevan Kupatadze, Peter Felten,…

A group of students and a local community partner stand in front of a thatch-roofed building, pointing and looking at something out of frame to the left. Overlays read, "60-Second SoTL. Mentoring Undergraduate Research in global Contexts."

Mentoring Undergraduate Research in Global Contexts

60-Second SoTL – Episode 45 This week’s episode shares an open-access article from New Directions in Teaching and Learning and examines how U.S.-based colleges and universities support mentoring of undergraduate research in global contexts: Cruz, Laura, Maureen Vandermaas-Peeler, Eric E. Hall, Amy L….

A student sits at a table with a book open and a pen poised over the page. Overlays read, "CEL Podcasts. 60-Second SoTL. Shaping Student Study Strategies."

Shaping Student Study Strategies

60-Second SoTL – Episode 44 This week’s episode shares an open-access article from Teaching & Learning Inquiry and examines how in-class interventions might influence students study strategies: Maurer, Trent W., and Emily Cabay. 2023. “Challenges of Shaping Student Study Strategies for Success: Replication…

Question words form a question mark on a page surrounded by markers. An overlay reads, "60-Second SoTL. Teaching Arts-Based Data Analysis."

Teaching Arts-Based Analysis

60-Second SoTL – Episode 43 This week’s episode shares an open-access article from Teaching & Learning Inquiry and explores arts-based data analysis and a strategy for teaching it to emerging researchers: Moreno, Rhia, Kate Hobgood Guthrie, and Katie Strickland. 2023. “Incorporating…

Six people complete varied tasks in a flexible work space with a mix of table heights and seating options. An overlay reads, "60-Second SoTL. Lifelong Learners' Successful Work Adjustment."

Lifelong Learners’ Successful Work Adjustment

60-Second SoTL – Episode 42 This week’s episode features an open access article from the International Journal of Work-Integrated Learning and explores how characteristics of lifelong learning inform work-integrated learning students’ work adjustment at co-op sites: Drewery, David, and Judene Pretti. 2023. “How…

Two women sit side-by-side at a table, looking at a notebook. One has a pen in hand and the other is pointing to something on an open page. An overlay reads, "60-Second SoTL. Developing Students' Metacognition Through Peer Education."

Developing Students’ Metacognition through Peer Education

60-Second SoTL – Episode 41 This week’s episode features an open access article from the International Journal for Academic Development and explores how professional development on metacognition informs the practices of peer educators: Wass, Rob Tracy Rogers, Kim Brown, Kelby Smith-Han, Jacqueline Tagg,…

A person sits cross-legged on the floor, holding a notebook in their lap and a pencil in one hand. In front of them, a laptop placed on the floor displays a video of a woman in front of a book case. Scattered around the laptop are headphones, books, and cellphone, and other study supplies. An overlay reads, "60-Second SoTL: Student Engagement with Video Syllabi."

Student Engagement with Video Syllabi

60-Second SoTL – Episode 40 This week’s episode features an article from College Teaching and explores whether video syllabi impact how students engage with syllabus content: Kerrigan, John, and Christina Bifulco. 2023. “Syllabus 2.0: Using Videos to Make the Syllabus Active.” College Teaching. View a…

Nine hands reach in to the center of the image, each holding a wooden puzzle piece. An overlay reads, "Course Coordination and Student Satisfaction."

Student Perspectives on the Importance of Course Coordination in Programs of Study

60-Second SoTL – Episode 39 This week’s episode features an open-access article from Quality in Higher Education and explores how coordination of courses within a degree program affects student satisfaction with their studies: Holmström, Ola, and Ola Stjärnhagen. 2023. “Coordination of Courses in University…

A woman stands in front of two rows of fixed desks. The first row has five people with laptops or tablets open, and one of the people has their hand raised. The back row has 3 people. All 8 seated individuals are looking at the woman in front of them. An overlay reads, "60-Second SoTL: Participation in Classroom Discussions."

Participation in Classroom Discussions

60-Second SoTL – Episode 38 This week’s episode features an article from the open-access Teaching & Learning Inquiry and explores what influences students’ participation in class discussions: Parker-Shandal, Crystena. 2023. “Participation in Higher Education Classroom Discussions: How Students’ Identities Influence Perspective Taking and Engagement.” Teaching…

A stack of post-it notes has a check mark and "quality" written on the top sticky note. A figure linking four icons of people is labeled disciplinary inclusivity. An overlay reads, "60-Second SoTL: High-Quality and Disciplinary-Inclusive SoTL?"

High-Quality, Disciplinary-Inclusive SoTL

60-Second SoTL – Episode 37 This week’s episode features an article from the open-access International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning and considers how successfully the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) balances quality with disciplinary inclusivity: McSweeney, Jill and…