HomePublicationsSeries on Engaged Learning and TeachingKey Practices for Fostering Engaged Learning Chapter 2: Acknowledging and Building on Students’ Prior Knowledge and Experiences Book MenuKey Practices for Fostering Engaged Learning ChaptersChapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8About the Author Book Resources Buy in PrintISBN: 9781642671179April 25, 2023 Chapter 2 examines why acknowledging and building on students’ prior knowledge matters and offers strategies for acknowledging “the prior” in and beyond the classroom. Related Book ResourcesMaking Prior Knowledge and Experiences Visible: Questions to Ask StudentsCurriculum Mapping to Identify Potential Prior Knowledge and ExperiencesSample Curriculum MappingsDiscussion Questions How do you help students inventory their prior knowledge and consider how to adapt it to complete tasks successfully in your context? Thinking about the student population at your college or university, what prior knowledge and experiences—in addition to their coursework—might students bring to your context (e.g., work experience, community engagement experience, etc.)? What strategies from the chapter could you employ to make students’ prior knowledge and experiences visible—to the student, to you, and to others in your context? Share: