Book cover for Writing Beyond the University: Preparing Lifelong Learners for Lifewide Writing. Edited by Julia Bleakney, Jessie L. Moore, and Paula Rosinski.
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ISBN: 978-1-951414-08-5

October 3, 2022

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Metrics: 4459 views | 989 downloads

ISBN: 978-1-951414-09-2

November 2022 (Temporarily Unavailable)

From chapter 10, “‘What One Learns in College Only Makes Sense When Practicing It at Work’: How Early-Career Alumni Evaluate Writing Success”

Pseudonym (transcript) Education Career trajectory
Phoebe BA in strategic communications Brief attempt at law school, career in promotional and internal communications for non-profits
Ross BA with majors in journalism and media analytics Newspaper reporter
Rachel BA in strategic communications External communications for non-profit
Pavel MA in IT During MA studies stayed 1 year at a university in South Korea; Coder in a global IT company; Non-native English speaker
Lucie Unfinished BA in IT,

BA in Business English

Test engineer in a global IT company; Non-native English speaker


Hana BA in Business English Worked in the UK for a travel agency; then an HR specialist in a global company; Non-native English speaker


Jackie Masters in criminal justice Campus police officer for four years. Desire to be a police officer stems from a male police officer not taking her case seriously as an undergrad.
Kate MFA Creative Writing Started as a social media content editor for a nonprofit science organization and is now as major gifts manager for a nonprofit that supports cancer survivors
Faye BA in film studies Social media content editor for a zoo
Kioko Bachelor of Commerce A financial accountant at a  firm dealing with IT-related consultancy services; Non-native English speaker
Mbugua Bachelor of Business Information Technology (BBIT) IT projects and software development. He runs his own enterprise; Non-native English speaker


Nyambane Bachelor of Business Information TEchnology (BBIT) A firm dealing with IT-related consultancies. He is a freelancer; Non-native English speaker