Book cover for Writing Beyond the University: Preparing Lifelong Learners for Lifewide Writing. Edited by Julia Bleakney, Jessie L. Moore, and Paula Rosinski.
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ISBN: 978-1-951414-08-5

October 3, 2022

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ISBN: 978-1-951414-09-2

November 2022 (Temporarily Unavailable)

Drawing on data from three higher education institutions in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Ireland, the authors explore how students in varied pre-placement learning contexts (a graduate-level law school, an undergraduate education program, and an undergraduate nursing, midwifery, and paramedic science program) make sense of the writing demands they will face in their placements.

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Discussion Questions

  1. How do the frequently used writing strategies reported by students compare to strategies you encourage students to practice in your courses or programs? How might you scaffold students’ practice of strategies that are central to writing in your field or discipline?
  2. The authors call for more opportunities within the university for students to practice and experiment with the writing they will need to use beyond the university. How might you reimagine an existing assignment or project to simulate the types of writing your students encounter in placements or other professional contexts?
  3. Although engaging with collaboration and feedback are common workplace writing activities, the authors report that they are under-practiced by students. How might you create scaffolded opportunities for students to practice collaborating on writing tasks and engaging with feedback?