Book cover for Writing Beyond the University: Preparing Lifelong Learners for Lifewide Writing. Edited by Julia Bleakney, Jessie L. Moore, and Paula Rosinski.
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Chapter 4, “‘There Is a Lot of Overlap’: Tracing Writing Development across Spheres of Writing”, includes the following figures.

Each interview included a mapping exercise, a series of interview questions, and a mapping revision. In the initial mapping exercise, participants identified and drew the spheres in which they write, the types of texts they write within each sphere, and any recursivities they perceived among the spheres. Their maps guided the interviews, as did a series of questions prompting discussion of participants’ experience of writing in each of the identified spheres and representative samples of texts that participants shared ahead of the interview. Finally, participants could revise their maps after discussing the spheres and recursivities across them.

Hand-drawn sketch on lined paper. Three bubbles overlap. The bubble on the farthest left has the words "Work based writing: assignment, articals, university assignments". Bubble in the middle has the words "Classroom writing: memo, emails, letters". In the overlap between these two bubbles are the words "professional writing". In the bubble on the far right are the words "Self motivated writing: an arabic book, 'I will tell you about me'". In the overlap betwen the right two bubbles are the words "self-confidant and motivation".

Figure 4.3. Map of Bushra’s spheres of writing


A hand-drawn diagram. In a large circle in the center: "Classroom: Academic papers, researched (often with SM topics), non-researched; Music, film comparison based, or theory based (performances of otherness); Introspective assignments (meditation, memoir; article and essay technique). A bubble to the left and overlapping says "Self-motivated: music reviews, live show reviews, stream of consciousness 'mental vomit', emails). In the overlap of these two bubbles there are the words" Discussing music that I personally enjoy in an academic setting." An arrow connects these two bubbles and says "Both of these spheres typically contain a more natural voice; classroom works are often somewhat self-motiv." A bubble to the right says "Work: formatting resumes; CV and cover letters; mastering interview rhetoric." Another bubble says "Internship: Drafting press releases, emails." Arrows connect the Self-motivated, Work, and Internship bubbles with note "All three of these require a particular voice (only for emails in the self-motivated sphere)"

Figure 4.4a. Pre-interview map of Chris’s spheres of writing


The same diagram as figure 4.4a is reproduced, with an aditional note in the bottom left corner. An arrow connects "Text, social media posts" and "Emails" in the Self-motivated bubble. A note reads "Some self-motivated compositions require a formal tone similar to those of work-related."

Figure 4.4b. Post-interview map of Chris’s spheres of writing


A hand-drawn diagram showing three bubbles. One includes the words "Self-motivated: poems, stories/short stories, journaling/bullet-journaling, social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram). A bubble to the right says "Class-oriented: scientific writing, research papers, argumentative essays." A bubble below says "Co-curricular: essays for applications for organizations, student constitutions, forms for events/appropriations." Two bullet points float in the bottom right corner: "Emails to organizations, Emails/letters to representatives, etc."

Figure 4.5a. Pre-interview map of Mel’s spheres of writing



Hand-drawn diagram. In top left a bubble says "Co-curricular: essays for org applications, student constitutions, forms for events/appropriations, emails/agenda, meeting minutes". In top right a bubble says "Civic writing: emails to community organizations; emails/letters to local, state, and federal representatives; use of social media platforms to bring awareness to situations." A bubble in the center says "Self-motivated: poems, short stories, journaling/bullet journaling; social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)." A bubble in bottom left says "Academic: scientific writing, research papers, argumentative essays, grad school applications, scholarship applications." An arrow connects the co-curricular and academic bubbles with note "helps perpetuate organization and time management necessary for either". An arrow connects co-curricular and civic writing with note "co-curricular is a microcosm for what happens outside of school." And arrow connects academic and civic writing with note: "You can use what you learn in academic to build a strong letter/email." All bubbles are connected with a starred arrow to the self-motivated bubble. A note by a star at the bottom says "you should have self-motivation to perform these tasks".

Figure 4.5b. Post-interview map of Mel’s spheres of writing