Book cover for The Faculty Factor: Developing Faculty Engagement with Living Learning Communities
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ISBN: 9781642672534

January 2023

To aid faculty who are interested in or are current FIRs, we offer questions to raise with housing and residence life counterparts or FIR program administrators. Our intent is to provide key questions to gauge philosophical approaches, operational differences, and personal fit. First, we offer questions for faculty to consider before they pursue or accept a FIR program position; then we provide check-in questions for current FIRs to periodically reflect on within the role.

Questions for faculty before pursuing or accepting a FIR role

  • What do you consider the primary aim of the FIR program at [institution name] to be?
  • What is the organizational structure of the FIR program and where does it fit within the larger institutional structure?
  • How are FIR family members considered within the recruitment, selection, and overall experience?
  • What incentives/benefits (e.g. free or reduced-rate accommodations, meal plan, financial benefits, course release/buy-out, etc.) are provided for FIR? For their partners and/or children?
  • How will the FIR position be considered in my current evaluation/appraisal/promotion process?
  • What is the FIR appraisal process? How frequently is it performed?

Questions for faculty while in the FIR role

  • When considering my percentage expectations in research, teaching, and service am I investing the appropriate number of hours to my FIR position?
  • Where is my time being spent in the FIR role? As the primary goal of FIR programs, is my time mainly focused on the quality and frequency of student-faculty interactions?
  • How has my FIR experience contributed to my research, teaching, and service agenda? In what ways is it detracting from my agenda?
  • Who are my key partners in the FIR program? What types of communication are most effective with these partners? How do our roles in practice match with our job descriptions? What is not working, and how can we adjust?