Book cover for The Faculty Factor: Developing Faculty Engagement with Living Learning Communities
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ISBN: 9781642672534

January 2023

What are the current demographics on your campus? Are there significant populations of veterans, older students, or transfer students? What is the first-generation population like? Among non-White students, what racial groups are represented on campus? While support structures and campus demographics can be interdependent, given limited budgets and institutional buy-in, it doesn’t make sense for all campuses to have dedicated programs for all facets of the new majority. Clemson has enough ROTC students to warrant two living learning communities for them; NYU probably couldn’t fill one.

What are the current demographics in your living learning communities? Which new majority groups of students are represented equitably within current LLCs? If, say, transfer students are represented in an LLC for seniors at the same rate as students who began their college careers at your institution, it may not be necessary for your campus to create a transfer student LLC.

What are the experiences of new majority students on your campus? If first-generation students experience microaggressions and/or lack a sense of belonging, a “proud to be first” LLC might be created. If veteran students express trouble forming study groups, an LLC-sponsored study hall could serve all students and have saliency for veterans.

What are the experiences of new majority students in your LLCs? If a faculty affiliate takes students to performing arts events, but notices that attendees are disproportionately female-identifying, there may be a need to revisit event planning to reach different student populations.

What are the outcomes for new majority students on your campus? If Black female-identifying students in your engineering school persist at one-third the rate of White male-identifying students, that may be a good argument for creating a Black Women in STEM community.

What are the outcomes for new majority students in your LLCs? If older students have less growth in critical thinking disposition compared to traditionally-aged students, that could be a sign that older students aren’t getting challenged in developmentally-appropriate ways—they might benefit from a program geared specifically to their needs.