book cover for The Power of Partnership
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ISBN: 978-1-951414-02-3

January 2020

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ISBN: 978-1-951414-01-6

January 2020 (Temporarily Unavailable)

Much of the existing Students as Partners (SAP) research focuses on educational transformation that takes place inside universities, for example, in relation to teaching, research, student learning, curriculum design, and governance. In this chapter, we trace the effects of our SAP initiatives at Western Sydney University on students’ lives outside the academy—in their workplaces, families, and communities. In our conversations together we have come to use the term “partnership mindset” to understand how curriculum partnership has translated to a partnership way of being and working with others.

Chapter DOI:

Discussion Questions

  • What other examples of the “partnership mindset” beyond universities are in the SAP literature?
  • How do we design SAP models and programs that help us to wrestle with, theorize about, and trace their impact outside our university communities?
  • To what extent might narratives from employers/families/communities—i.e., those outside the university—help us to demonstrate the impact of SAP beyond the university? Is this an important argument for universities to be able to make empirically?
  • If you have been involved in SAP, how have those experiences translated into aspects of your life outside of the university context? If you haven’t been involved in SAP, what other learning from university do you see influencing your daily life in other contexts?