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ISBN: 978-1-951414-02-3

January 2020

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ISBN: 978-1-951414-01-6

January 2020 (Temporarily Unavailable)

This chapter is a collaboration between an academic, a PhD student who is also a member of staff, and a recent alumna who have been involved in student-staff partnerships at our institution. The chapter is presented as a conversation between the three of us and is illustrated by Stephanie. We address the theme of intersections, exploring how partnerships interact with our identities as staff and students. We discuss ways in which partnerships allow us to play on the margins and create interstices—spaces between—where new possibilities emerge and barriers are overcome. We draw on notions of translation and transformation (Cook-Sather and Abbot 2016), as well as popular culture. We invite you to join our conversation.

Chapter DOI:

Discussion Questions

  • We have found it valuable to use pop culture references and metaphors to describe student-staff partnerships. What other pop culture references and metaphors came to mind as you were reading? If you wish, please share your observations on Twitter using the hashtag #studentsaspartners.
  • We have included illustrations in this chapter. If you sketched your experiences with, or feelings about, student-staff partnerships, what would that look like?
  • In our conversation, we discuss several interstices—spaces between—in partnership where new possibilities emerge and traditional barriers are overcome, for example, language, time, identities, and disciplines. What are some other in-between spaces in student-staff partnerships?
Amani Bell, Stephanie Barahona, and Bonnie Stanway
Amani Bell, Stephanie Barahona, and Bonnie Stanway