book cover of Becoming a SoTL Scholar, edited by Janice Miller-Young and Nancy L. Chick
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ISBN: 978-1-951414-10-8

June 2024

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ISBN: 978-1-951414-11-5

July 2024 (Temporarily Unavailable)

Corinne Green’s “The Braided Threads of Learning, Changing, and Becoming: Reflections on My SoTL Adventures (So Far)” presents an analysis of her own becoming through the lens of Anna Stetsenko’s transformative activist stance. Using the metaphor of a braid, this reflective essay describes how she has learned about SoTL, transformed her identity to a SoTL advocate and enabler, and is becoming both a SoTL scholar and an academic developer. While she describes her journey so far as “planned serendipity,” she also describes being intentional in the next steps of her SoTL journey. She considers how the writing of her chapter has helped her clarify her own intentions and how it may help others be more strategic and intentional in their own SoTL choices. 

Chapter DOI:

Discussion Questions

  • What teaching and learning experiences have been transformational for you? How have they informed changes to your practice and influenced your career choices?
  • When you look back on your own adventures into and through SoTL, where have you demonstrated agency? How can you enact the approach of planned serendipity in the
  • How are you learning/knowing, changing/transforming, and being/becoming? What similarities and differences do you notice between Corinne’s reflections and your own?
  • For Corinne, relationships and collaborations have been key entry points into SoTL and have sustained and deepened her connections to this community. Who has led you into SoTL spaces? Who are you leading?