book cover of Becoming a SoTL Scholar, edited by Janice Miller-Young and Nancy L. Chick
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ISBN: 978-1-951414-10-8

June 2024

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ISBN: 978-1-951414-11-5

July 2024 (Temporarily Unavailable)

In “Developing Sustained SoTL Journeys and Identities,” Janice Miller-Young and Nancy L. Chick argue that SoTL is no longer just a grassroots movement of individual faculty committed to taking teaching and learning seriously; it has become professionalized as a field of study as more of us seek to integrate SoTL into our careers. Many academics begin as explorers who come from different disciplines, institution types, career stages, and countriesSome choose to stay, making SoTL not only what they do, but also who they are—not just through new knowledge and skills but also their career and indeed their identity. This book is called Becoming a SoTL Scholar to acknowledge that we are always in a state of learning and reckoning with our academic identities, and thus we are always becoming. The collection illustrates a variety of entry points, pathways, and strategies for academics to develop and sustain a career in SoTL; it also uses a system of wayfinding icons to help readers choose their own adventure. 

Chapter DOI: https://10.36284/celelon.oa6.1