book cover of Becoming a SoTL Scholar, edited by Janice Miller-Young and Nancy L. Chick
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ISBN: 978-1-951414-10-8

June 2024

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ISBN: 978-1-951414-11-5

July 2024 (Temporarily Unavailable)

In “Guiding Principles for STEM Faculty Interested in SoTL,” Matt Fisher explicitly addresses some of the initial challenges STEM faculty may face when engaging in SoTL, including developing research questions that don’t require a (quasi)experimental design and understanding how SoTL is similar to but different from discipline-based educational research. For example, Fisher effectively compares SoTL to ecological fieldwork in biology, a type of research that doesn’t require the isolation of the phenomenon of interest from its context. He goes on to describe, with examples, how SoTL can draw upon diverse methodologies, diverse conceptual frameworks, and diverse contexts beyond a single course, and how it can be multidisciplinary and collaborative. 

Chapter DOI:

Discussion Questions

  • How would you describe your SoTL work at this point in time?
  • Based on your description, which of the guidelines presented in this chapter would be most relevant now?
  • Based on how you see your SoTL work developing over the next five years, which of the guidelines presented in this chapter would become important to keep in mind at some future point?