book cover of Becoming a SoTL Scholar, edited by Janice Miller-Young and Nancy L. Chick
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ISBN: 978-1-951414-10-8

June 2024

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ISBN: 978-1-951414-11-5

July 2024 (Temporarily Unavailable)

In “Engaging with Nuance: Authentic SoTL Engagement for Scholars in the Humanities,” Nancy Chick seeks to ease the transition into SoTL for humanities scholars by helping them both recognize themselves in the work and be more explicit about why they might do SoTL in specific ways. Drawing from a brainstorm by an international interest group, she unpacks the choices SoTL scholars in the humanities might make in terms of their purpose, their questions, their artifacts, their analyses, and their products. 

Chapter DOI:

Discussion Questions

  • Thinking about your approaches to SoTL, what do you find most difficult to explain to an unfamiliar audience, and why?
  • How would you explain any of the characteristics or choices described in this chapter differently or in your own words?
  • What humanistic characteristics or choices aren’t included in the interest group’s list or in this chapter, and how would you explain them to an unfamiliar audience?
  • Have you encountered colleagues using approaches with which you’re unfamiliar and which remain unexplained? How did this make you feel? In what ways could they have been more clear to you, so that you fully understood their work?
  • If you’re from a discipline outside of the humanities, which characteristics or choices in your field do you find most difficult for unfamiliar audiences to understand? Draft a paragraph of explanation for each, and return to this draft the next time you write or speak about these concepts to a non-specialist audience.