The Center for Engaged Learning is excited to host the Conference on Residential Learning Communities as a High Impact Practice, June 16-17, 2019, at Elon University in North Carolina. Dr. Karen Inkelas, co-author of Living-Learning Communities That Work: A Research-Based Model for Design, Delivery, and Assessment (Stylus, 2018), is confirmed as a keynote speaker.

We invite educators interested in learning community scholarship to join the culminating conversation of the 2017-2019 Elon University Center for Engaged Learning Research Seminar on Residential Learning Communities as a High Impact Practice, led by Mimi Benjamin (Indiana University of Pennsylvania), Jody Jessup-Anger (Marquette University), Shannon B. Lundeen (Elon University), and Cara McFadden (Elon University). The conference will feature multi-institutional research conducted through the seminar, which focuses specifically on examining those undergraduate learning communities that have a residential component—a type of learning community that we refer to as “residential learning communities,” or “RLCs.”

We encourage other scholars to join the culminating conversation about these inquiry projects and to share their own research related to one of the following themes:

  • Key characteristics of residential learning communities
  • Student outcomes of residential learning communities
  • Faculty and staff experiences in residential learning communities
  • Degree of cross-divisional collaboration in residential learning communities
  • Transferability of learning community research to residential learning communities

Proposals will be accepted July 9-November 30, 2018. Read the full call for proposals online, and submit your proposal by November 30, 2018. Following a double-blind peer review, we will send decision notifications by January 15, 2019.

Registration will open in January 2019.

Please share this conference announcement with your colleagues. Questions? Please contact us at Proposals should be submitted through our online system.

How to cite this post:

June 2019 Conference on Residential Learning Communities. 2018, July 11. [Blog Post]. Retrieved from