January 20, 2025Asynchronous, HyFlex, and Live, Oh My!by Matt WittsteinLimed: Teaching with a Twist – Season 3, Episode 5 By necessity, ATI Physical Therapy uses elements of online, in-person, synchronous, and asynchronous learning in its residency programs. Jackie Davenport, Clinical Development Program Lead and Residency Director for ATI Physical…
April 11, 2024Online Students and the First-Year Experienceby Stephanie Matte60-Second SoTL – Episode 55 This week’s episode focuses on the first-year experiences of college students studying online and features an article from Adult Learning: Korstange, Ryan, Jeff Hall, Jamie Holcomb, and Jasmeial Jackson. 2020. “The Online First-Year Experience: Defining and…
November 20, 2023Understanding and Evaluating Online Course Accessibilityby Dhvani Toprani and Matt WittsteinLimed: Teaching with a TwistSeason 2, Episode 3 Rafael da Silva teaches e-Learning design and development courses at Boise State University. As an instructional designer, Rafael is passionate about ensuring his course materials are accessible for his students. In this…
May 9, 2023Remote Opportunities in Work-Integrated Learning: Considerations for Moving Forwardby CJ Eubanks FlemingThe concept and practice of the remote internship/placement were not new in 2020. Over the past several decades, more and more work has been done out of the office and out of the bounds of typical workday time constraints (Dean…
March 14, 2023Ableism in Academia: The Uneven Impacts of Distraction and Procrastinationby Caroline J. KetchamRecently in one of my productive distraction moments, I came across a tweet thread from Dr. Hannah Snyder (@Hannah_R_Snyder) that spurred reflection for me in my teaching, and has led to this discussion in this platform more broadly. Two articles…
February 21, 2023Learning from the Past: Alternative Ways to Build Intercultural Competencyby Elana GutmannEven before the COVID-19 pandemic, colleges and universities around the world found ways to make studying away more accessible to students, particularly through virtual platforms and trips into their local communities. A few programs are discussed in more detail below,…
September 7, 2020Ask your students: The value of student input on online course designby Sophia Abbot and Geneva SteinFor Jeongmin Cho, a junior at Princeton University from Seoul, South Korea, the transition to remote learning this spring was a transition to an entirely new form of teaching and learning. He explains, “I have grown up in a traditional…
August 24, 2020Designing Online or Hybrid/Flex Study Away ExperiencesIn response to shifts to online learning due to COVID-19 in spring 2020 and in anticipation of alternate models for higher education in fall 2020 and beyond, we have curated publications and online resources that can help inform programmatic and…
July 17, 2020Lessons Learned from Mentoring Undergraduate Research this Summerby Eric E. Hall, Elizabeth Bailey, Simon Higgins, Takudzwa Madzima, Svetlana Nepocatych, Matthew W. Wittstein, and Caroline J. KetchamSalient Practices of Undergraduate Research Mentoring This past March, as universities were transitioning to distance learning, in addition to figuring out how to teach our classes remotely, many of us had to consider how to continue to support our undergraduate…
July 1, 2020Mentoring Internships Online or in Hybrid/Flex ModelsIn response to shifts to online learning due to COVID-19 in spring 2020 and in anticipation of alternate models for higher education in fall 2020 and beyond, we have curated publications and online resources that can help inform programmatic and…