November 4, 2024Exploring the Value of Work-Integrated Learning by Jessie Moore and Nolan SchultheisMaking College “Worth It”- Season 2, Episode 3 This episode covers the complexities of a work-integrated learning experience, including both the benefits and the challenges. With guests, Dr. CJ Fleming, an associate professor of psychology, and Annelise Weaver, a senior…
May 28, 2024Meaningful Undergraduate Experiences and How They Matter Nowby Jessie L. MooreThe Center for Engaged Learning periodically conducts surveys on students’ experiences in higher education and their application to students’ post-graduation lives. Our latest iteration surveyed 956 U.S. residents who were 18-34 years old and graduates of two- or four-year higher…
April 30, 2024Cultivating Vulnerability in Mentoring Relationshipsby Sabrina ThurmanRecently, I co-facilitated an undergraduate workshop about intentionally building connections with supportive faculty, staff, and peer mentors. In alignment with principles from relational mentoring, we collectively acknowledged that embracing some personal vulnerability was crucial for building meaningful interpersonal connections (Johnson…
April 16, 2024Relationship-Rich Education at Scale, aka the Too Many Bodies Problemby Peter FeltenDecades of research demonstrates that student learning and well-being in higher education are enhanced by positive relationships with peers and instructors (Felten and Lambert 2020). Yet, one common challenge with relationship-rich education is scale. How is this possible when I’m…
February 22, 2024What is a First-Year Experience?by Stephanie Matte60-Second SoTL – Episode 48 This episode highlights two articles that explore first-year experiences and what makes them high-impact: Barefoot, Betsy O. 2000. “The First-Year Experience: Are We Making It Any Better?” About Campus 4 (6): 12–18. Kuh, George, Ken…
February 6, 2024The Importance of Raising Student Awareness of Mentored Academic Opportunities, Financial Awards, and Scholarshipsby Sabrina ThurmanMany universities offer countless student success resources and academic opportunities, but they may not be well-known to students. Certainly, efforts to raise student awareness and involvement in academic offerings exist, but research shows most universities do not advertise academic opportunities…
October 31, 2023Perspectives on Mentoring International Students: Part 1 — Introductionby Takudzwa "Titch" MadzimaThe transition from high school to university is often a challenging one that includes many adjustments. This transition can be especially challenging when an undergraduate or graduate student moves to another country and/or continent for their education. Studying in a…
August 22, 2023Learning through Mentoring: Lessons from the Earliest Phase of Lifeby Sabrina ThurmanInfants’ first attempts in learning to walk are characterized by enthusiastic, wholehearted, but unbalanced steps that frequently result in many falls. Learning this novel skill is influenced by the child’s developmental history, or prior experiences, such as being held in…
July 25, 2023A Personal Reflection on What Makes Mentoring Greatby Sabrina ThurmanI grew up on a mountainside in rural Appalachia and spent nearly every day of my childhood playing outside. Being from a low-income family and surrounded by the natural world, I entertained myself by exploring plants, animals, soil, water, and…
May 9, 2023Remote Opportunities in Work-Integrated Learning: Considerations for Moving Forwardby CJ Eubanks FlemingThe concept and practice of the remote internship/placement were not new in 2020. Over the past several decades, more and more work has been done out of the office and out of the bounds of typical workday time constraints (Dean…