Cover of Teaching with AI. Center for Engaged Learning Book Review. "One of the most intriguing aspects of the book was the section on creativity.... The authors argue that AI systems can enhance creativity because they aren’t bound by human judgment issues such as anchoring and adjusting that can cause people to stop considering the best ideas.” Amanda Sturgill

Book Review: Teaching with AI

Bowen, José Antonio, and C. Edward Watson. 2024. Teaching with AI: A Practical Guide to a New Era of Human Learning. Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press.  Bowen and Watson’s work has the mixed blessing of being a first attempt to…

CEL Book Review "The inclusion of multiple voices and especially the offering of 'critical questions' invite readers to think holistically about their teaching practice and to engage in conversation with one another." -Eric Hall and Kristina Meinking

Bringing Co-Creation in Learning and Teaching to Your Classroom

In this accessible and informative new text, Co-creating Learning and Teaching: Towards relational pedagogy in higher education, Catherine Bovill offers readers a useful framework and scholarly context for co-creation in learning and teaching (CCLT). Faculty and staff who are curious…

CEL Reviews and CEL Retrospectives

The Center for Engaged Learning (CEL) publishes reviews of recent authored and edited books on engaged learning and teaching. Submissions for CEL Reviews should offer a summary and critical evaluation of the book(s) under review, placing the publication(s) in conversation…