October 11, 2022An Equitable High-Impact Practice Must Be Psychosocially Safe and Reflective of All Identitiesby Buffie Longmire-AvitalMy sons are growing up at Elon. Elon has been the background of my eldest son’s life since he was just a few months old. He made the drive to school with me the very first day of classes when…
December 14, 2021The High Impact of an Equitable Apologyby Buffie Longmire-AvitalBrantmeier (2013) outlines a strategy for adopting a pedagogical approach of vulnerability that frames a co-constructed learning space between the educator and the student that both fosters trust and sustains effective diversity, inclusion, and equity efforts. The vulnerability should be mutual…
September 7, 2021Including Students in Multi-Institutional Scholarship of Teaching and Learningby Eric Hall, Buffie Longmire-Avital, and Jessie L. MooreIn a recent blog post, the three inaugural Center for Engaged Learning (CEL) Student Scholars responded to an invitation to document their experiences engaging in CEL’s 2021-2023 research seminar, Re-Examining Conditions for Meaningful Learning Experiences. During their preparation for the…
July 2, 2020Critical Mentoring in HIPs: A Reparative Frameworkby Buffie Longmire-AvitalAfter a week of rain, my two sons and I pulled out the picnic blanket, rounded up board games, and headed outside for much needed sun and play. The days of pandemic virtual learning are long; we all needed a…
April 2, 2020Critical Mentoring is Custom Fitted to the Studentby Buffie Longmire-AvitalThere is no shortage of research on the importance of mentorship within high impact practices for students from underrepresented minority backgrounds. We know that mentorship builds resilience (Inman, 2020; Ramos 2019) and facilitates retention (Davis, 2017; Wilson et al., 2012),…
February 19, 2020CEL Scholar Longmire-Avital Presents at HIPs in the StatesDr. Buffie Longmire-Avital presented her CEL Scholar work on historically underrepresented minority students and high-impact practices at HIPs in the States on February 19. Read her blog posts on the topic here. How to cite this post: CEL Scholar Longmire-Avital…
December 17, 2019Establishing Equity in Study Abroad Experiences: Three Recommendationsby Buffie Longmire-AvitalStudy abroad is still a high impact practice (HIP) with massive racial and ethnic disparities in participation rates and destinations. According, to NAFSA data, nearly 71% of students who study abroad identify themselves as white and 54% of study abroad…
November 5, 2019The Intersectional Context of Black Women Studying Abroadby Buffie Longmire-AvitalIn considering the intersectional context of Black women studying abroad, Willis (2015) channels Maya Angelou who writes that the Black woman exists in a “tripartite crossfire of masculine privilege, white illogical hate, and Black lack of power.” Nearly 14 years…
September 3, 2019“Where are you from?”: Studying Abroad while at the Intersections between an American and Racial Minority Statusby Buffie Longmire-AvitalIn my previous blog, I discussed the common barriers students (including my collegiate self) encounter when considering a study abroad experience. Although, there is a growing discourse around the effective steps to address these barriers, discussion about the potential obstacles…
August 6, 2019Study Abroad: A Critical Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Issueby Buffie Longmire-AvitalAs of the 2016-2017 academic year, approximately 1.6 percent of students enrolled in a post-secondary institution in the U.S. have completed a study abroad program (NAFSA 2019). Despite the steady gains in study abroad engagement, disparities in racial and ethnic…